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"The very notion of being an engaged public intellectual is neither foreign to, nor a violation of, what it means to be an academic scholar, but central to its very definition."


Public Intellectuals against the Neoliberal University


Media Appearances

June 12-15, 2023

Henry A. Giroux speaking at ISLS Annual Meeting.

"Paulo Freire and Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

January 18, 2023

Henry A. Giroux in conversation with Brad Evans

This conversation with Giroux reflects upon the seismic impact of Freire’s book, as well as its impact in our contemporary era in which neoliberalism has emerged not only as an economic model but also a public pedagogy that permeates everything.

October 31, 2022

Henry Giroux, Interviewed with Thijmen Sparkel on 

Education Kitchen - Education is under attack. Henry Giroux sees this (among many other things) as clear evidence that the right is systematically erasing America's true national history.

The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel-Henry Giroux Manufactured Ignorance

July 5, 2022
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the age of manufactured ignorance with the scholar Professor Henry A. Giroux

Henry Giroux - What Mass Shootings Tell Us About America.,  FreeSpeech TV - Sonali

June 2, 2022

The horrific mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York

Henry Giroux - Pedagogy of Resistance.  Seminary Co-op 

Brad Evans hosted today by Seminary Co-op bookstore on my latest book, Pedagogy of Resistance. 

The Radical Imagination | Imagining the Life and Work of Stanley Aronowitz

Henry Giroux, Interview with Jim Vrettos - Aug. 25, 2020 @ MNN NYC

Host Jim Vrettos and guests Henry Giroux, McMaster University Professor for Scholarship in the Public Interest; and Michael Pelias, Professor of Philosophy at Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY; join together to discuss about the Life and Work of Stanley Aronowitz.

Truthout Interviews with Henry A. Giroux,  Ted Asregadoo

August 22, 2013 @

Ted Asregadoo speaks to Henry A. Giroux -- Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department and board member of Truthout-- about his article on Truthout, "When Schools Become Dead Zones of the Imagination: A Critical Pedagogy Manifesto."'s Interview with Henry Giroux, Part 1,  youthandworktv

August 31, 2013 @

Part one of the interview covers Professor Giroux's perspective on recent historical events (9/11, the financial crisis, globalization, the surveillance state, retrenchment of the social welfare state, and the ongoing neoliberal project.'s Interview with Henry Giroux, Part 2,  youthandworktv

August 31, 2013 @

Part two of the interview cover Professor Giroux's views on how youths are disciplined under the neoliberal project, how student debt is used to condition youths, how youths are now perceived to be a threat to society, and the rise of the punishing, carceral state.'s Interview with Henry Giroux, Part 3,  youthandworktv

August 31, 2013

Part three of the interview covers Professor Giroux's perspective on social media, the use of language, how alternative media can be utilized by progressives, and emerging social movements like Idle No More and Occupy.

Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics,  Moyers & Company

November 22, 2013 @ Moyers & Company

In his book, Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, author and scholar Henry Giroux connects the dots to prove his theory that our current system is informed by a "machinery of social and civil death" that chills "any vestige of a robust democracy."

Truthout Interviews with Henry Giroux on Neoliberalism.  Ted Asregadoo

June 15, 2014 @

English and Cultural Studies professor, Henry A. Giroux, talks about the challenges of the Left in a neoliberal political economy.

Neoliberalism, Youth, and Social Justice,  axisaudio

March 27, 2014

"In a special interview, Truthout contributor Henry Giroux takes us back to the basics of what can be seen as an ongoing and accelerating war between the rich and everyone else, an event that has resulted in a mass inability "to translate private troubles into larger structural public considerations.

Henry Giroux: Liberty and Justice for All?,  The Agenda with Steve Paikin

August 13, 2014 @ The Agenda with Steve Paikin

Author and scholar Henry Giroux sits down with Piya Chattopadhyay to discuss his new book "The Violence of Organized Forgetting: Thinking Beyond America's Disimagination Machine." Giroux argues that the United States' embrace of a surveillance state and culture of violence have replaced the values of freedom, liberty and justice, putting American democracy in jeopardy.

Age of the Selfie in the Neoliberal Era,  TeleSUR English

March 2, 2015 @ TeleSUR English

Critics have long pointed out that the social media phenomena of the Selfie is rooted in vanity and narcissism. But scholar and cultural critic Henry Giroux says it is about much more. Show Host Chris Spannos speaks with Henry about the Selfie.

The Scourge of Neoliberalism w/ Henry Giroux

September 23, 2016 @ RT

Henry Giroux joins us to talk about his new book, “America at War With Itself,” and the meaning of neoliberalism.

Henry Giroux: Trump's Popularity Can Be Attributed to Culture of Fear, Racism and Hate,  Critical Voices

In this CBC TV interview, Henry Giroux explains that Donald Trump's popularity can, in part, be attributed to at least three issues.

Trump and the Fascistization of America (1/2), The Real News Network

July 19, 2016 @

Scholar Henry Giroux tells Paul Jay that Donald Trump is not an eccentric populist, but the representative of a neofascist politics that ignores evidence, believes truth is merely an opinion, and says dissent is unpatriotic

Trump and the Enablers of American Authoritarianism (2/2),  The Real News Network

July 19, 2016 @

Scholar Henry Giroux in conversation with Paul Jay says ‘lesser evilism’ is the wrong way to frame the elections - it’s about what’s better for the strategic interests of an independent people’s struggle

Neofascism of the Law and Order Candidate,  The Real News Network

August 17, 2016 @
Henry Giroux tells Paul Jay that fear is an organizing principle of U.S. society

The Looming Threat of Fascism: A conversation with Henry Giroux and Julian Casablancas

Oct. 30, 2020 @ CultRecordsNYC

September 13, 2016 @ Rolling Stone

The Strokes singer interviews renowned cultural critic in wide-ranging talk on big banks, deceptive journalism and democracy.

BaldPolitiKs Interview with Henry A. Giroux

October 27, 2016 @ BaldPolitiKs

BaldPolitiKs interviews Henry Giroux on 26 October 2016 - American at War with Itself

Henry Giroux on Trump: How Did This Happen?,  McMasterUTV

March 29, 2016 @ McMasterUTV

A Tear in the Fabric of America’s Political Theater.

October 30, 2016 @

Henry Giroux and Paul Jay discuss the collapsing facade of American democracy

Trump’s Cabinet, the Church of Neoliberal Evangelicals

December 26, 2016 @

Professor Henry Giroux says the appointments signal a future of more war and violent military interventions, and an embrace of Islamophobia

Do Corporate Democrats Like Charles Schumer Belong in a Progressive Movement Against Trump?

January 26, 2017 @

Henry Giroux and Paul Jay discuss the relationship between the movement against Trump’s neo-fascism and the struggle against corporate control of the Democratic Party

Specter of Fascism: Cohen Says Trump Won’t Leave Peacefully in 2020

February 27, 2019 @

Hearings reveal deepening systemic corruption, further degeneration of GOP, progressive members standout in questioning – Jacqueline Luqman, Henry Giroux and Carmen Russell-Sluchansky join Paul Jay

Henry Giroux: The Language Of Neoliberalism & Towards A Fascist Politics

Segment of episode #214 of Last Born In The Wilderness - Oct 13, 2019 @ Last Born in the Wilderness Podcast

This is a segment of episode #214 of Last Born In The Wilderness “The Unforeseen: Neoliberal Ideology & Paving The Road Towards Fascism w/ Henry Giroux.” Listen to the full episode: Read Stephen Rohde’s review of Henry’s book ‘The Terror of the Unforeseen’ and purchase a copy:

Russell Brand, Henry Giroux and Brad Evans on Fighting Fascism

Under The Skin: Russell Brand, Henry Giroux and Brad Evans

Today's guests are Henry Giroux a Professor with specialisation in Critical Pedagogy at McMaster university in Ontario, Canada and Brad Evans a Professor of Political Violence & Aesthetics at the University of Bath, UK.

McMaster Prof. Henry Giroux discusses Donald Trump

February 7, 2017 @ Cable 14 Hamilton

Dr. Henry Giroux explains why it's important for our democracy to pay attention & think about how U.S. President Donald Trump is manipulating his messaging around anger & "fear of the other" using social media & otherwise.

Henry Giroux: “Those arguing that education should be neutral are really arguing for a version of education in which nobody is accountable”

Henry Giroux interview with João França - July 4, 2019

An interview with founder of critical pedagogy Henry Giroux on the meaning of education, suspicions regarding neutrality and on how current uncertainties could be a driving force to rethink and generate new possibilities.

Be Thankful for a Dysfunctional Chaotic White House

February 23, 2017 @

Henry Giroux and Paul Jay discuss the Trump-Bannon-Pence administration, a naked display of the 1% ruling without apologies and damn what comes tomorrow

Henry Giroux: Will Trump’s Deliberate Racist Rhetoric Lead Us to Fascism?

Henry Giroux interview with Marc Steiner, The Real News Network - July 18, 2019 @ TheRealNews

Henry Giroux dissects how the potential path to fascism is laid bare in Trump’s rhetoric and policies and how the voices of four new progressive Democratic congresswomen in the U.S. House of Representatives speak to another American future.

CTV - Giroux's Commentary on Comey's Senate Testimony Regarding Trump Obstruction

June 11, 2017 @ CTV (Canada)

Henry A. Giroux is interviewed on CTV (Canada) to provide his analysis of the political theater playing out in the US.

Henry A. Giroux fourthcoming book America at War with Itself,  Keiser Report, Max and Stacy

June 16, 2016 @ RT

Max interviews Henry Giroux, author of the forthcoming book, America at War with Itself. They discuss the descent into madness as demonstrated by the latest presidential clown show

Is Trump's Rise a Result of America Declaring War on Institutions That Make Democracy Possible?

October 14, 2016 @ Democracy Now!

In his new book, scholar Henry Giroux examines "America at War with Itself." From poisoned water in Flint and other cities to the police deaths of African Americans to hatemongering on the presidential campaign trail, Henry Giroux critiques what he believes is a slide toward authoritarianism and other failings that led to the current political climate and rise of Donald Trump.

Henry Giroux on Trump Authoritarianism, Neoliberalism, and Rabid Individualism

November 22, 2017 @

Henry Giroux, author of The Public in Peril: Trump and the Menace of American Authoritarianism and, America at War with Itself, discusses, Trump's authoritarianism, rampant neoliberalism and the rabid individualism that goes with it.

Henry Giroux - America in Revolt Discussion

Henry Giroux, Interview with Anthony Clemons - June 12, 2020 @ THE GCAS REVIEW PODCAST INTERVIEWS

Renowned cultural critic, Prof. Henry Giroux discusses the protests with Anthony Clemons, Andrew Keltner, and Creston Davis

Open debate with Henry Giroux (2018-19): Resistance, social transformation and hope.

Henry Giroux, Public Lecture - 7 May 2019 @ CENTRE CULTURAL LA MERCÈ

Open debate with Henry Giroux (2018-19): Resistance, social transformation and hope.

It Is Impossible to Be Radical Without Being Optimistic in the Pandemic Age

Henry Giroux, Interview with Pablo Rivera and Ezequiel Passeron - 5 May 2020 @ Faro Digital

Pablo Rivera and Ezequiel Passeron had the honor and privilege of talking with professor Henry Giroux, one of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy in North America, to analyze the challenges of covid-19.

Lectures & Talks

Higher Education and the Plague of Authoritarianism

October 26, 2017 @ York University, Toronto

The John Eleen Annual Lecture in Global Labour at York University, Toronto. In this lecture, Professor Henry A. Giroux posits that the modern loss of faith in the marriage of education and democracy needs to be reclaimed, but that will only happen if the long legacy of struggle over education is once again brought to life as part of a more comprehensive understanding as education being central to politics itself.

What is the Role of Higher Education in a Time of Legitimized Violence?

October 1, 2017 @ McMaster University, Hamilton

A talk by Dr. Henry A. Giroux at at the Gandhi Peace Festival's "Education for our Times: Towards a Culture of Peace, Nonviolence and Social Justice" conference.

Q&A with Henry Giroux from the "Bring Your Own Brain: Free Us from Climate Chaos" Symposium

June 13, 2017 @ The University of Montana

From the Bring Your Own Brain: Free Us from Climate Chaos Symposium at the University of Montana 6/13/17

July 5, 2017 @ The University of the West of Scotland

In July 2017, Henry Giroux came to Scotland to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of the West of Scotland. Following this event, he engaged in a public conversation with UWS colleagues Diarmuid McAuliffe (School of Education) and Graham Jeffery (School of Media, Culture and Society). That conversation took place in front of a capacity audience on the UWS Paisley Campus and covered a wide range of critical issues within Education, Culture and Society.

Henry Giroux Honorary Doctorate and Address at the University of the West of Scotland

July 4, 2017

Powerful address given by Prof. Henry Giroux on receiving his honorary doctorate at the University of the West of Scotland graduation ceremony.

Between Orwell and Huxley in the Age of the New Authoritarianism: A Challenge for Public Intellectuals

March 2, 2017 @ McMaster University, Hamilton

A talk by Dr. Henry Giroux, Professor, Department of English and Cultural Studies & McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest to celebrate the donation of his archives to McMaster University Library. Henry Giroux, Professor, Department of English and Cultural Studies & McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest to celebrate the donation of his archives to McMaster University Library

Henry Giroux on Youth and Pedagogy at the Lannan Foundation

October 14, 2015 @ Santa Fe, New Mexico
Henry Giroux speaks at the Lannan Foundation on justice, equality, the fundamentalisms taking root in American society, and the possibility of hope for the future.

Where is the Outrage? Critical Pedagogy in Dark Times

September 24, 2015 @ McMaster University, Hamilton

Henry Giroux’s lecture at the MacPherson Institute addresses the larger corporate and market driven forces now shaping all aspects of education, politics, culture, and everyday life in North America. In this talk, there will be a special emphasis on the role that critical pedagogy plays in defining not only traditional spheres of schooling but also a crucial form of public pedagogy that is at the heart of contemporary politics. In this sense, Giroux’s lecture explores what might be called the educative nature of culture and politics. At the same time, the lecture considers a number of related educative and pedagogical concerns central to the field of critical pedagogy including the notion of teachers as public intellectuals, pedagogy and the project of a substantive democracy, a politics of responsibility, and finally, pedagogy as a form of resistance and educated hope.

Neoliberal Violence in the Age of Orwellian Nightmares

December 4, 2014 @ Fanshawe College, Ontario

Henry GIroux outlines the conditions of the present and the need to reclaim the radical imagination against the predominance of market and exchange values

Ontario Common Front: Henry Giroux on Youth, Neoliberalism, and the Future

August 19, 2013

Highlights from keynote address. Full video at:

Youth and the Politics of Disposability in Dark Times

January 16, 2013 @ McMaster University, Hamilton

With the rise of market fundamentalism and the ensuing economic and financial meltdown, youth are facing a crisis unlike that of any other generation. Young people, especially low income and poor minority youth, are no longer seen as a social investment but are increasingly interpreted as a social problem and burden. This talk raises important questions regarding the role that educators, in particular, might play in challenging the plight of young people while deepening and extending the promise of an aspiring democracy.

Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Higher Education as a Public Good

October 4, 2012 @ The University of Western Ontario
Henry Giroux’s lecture investigates how market-driven ideology has increasingly pressured universities to forego their commitment to dynamic forms of learning, and to instead provide students with a watered-down, commercialized form of workplace training (i.e. “let’s get you a job!”). Throughout his talk, Giroux explores and illuminates the various ways in which this pressure works to corrode and destroy higher education’s moral commitment to democratic values, civic responsibility, and critically engaged forms of citizenship.

Youth and the Politics of Disposability: Critical Education in the New Gilded Age

March 14, 2008 @ McGill University

Public address at the official launch of the Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy.

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