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Bloomsbury Book (2022)

Henry A. Giroux Co-authored with Gustavo de Oliveira Figueiredo, Gustavo de Oliveira Figueiredo Vera Helena Ferraz de Siqueira and Andréa Costa da Silva

Salvador: Edufba (Brazil 2022).

70. The Terror of the Unforeseen
Los Angeles Review of Books (2019)
69. The New Henry Giroux Reader: The Role of the Public Intellectual in a Time of Tyranny. eds Jennifer A. Sandlin and Jake Burdick
New York: Myers Education Press (2019)
68. Pedagogia Critica para Tiempos Dificiles
Madrid, Spain : Mapas Colectivos (2018)

Henry A. Giroux (2017)

63. Education and the Crisis of Public Values
2nd Edition Peter Lang (2015)

Paradigm Publisher (2015)

(Co-authored with Brad Evans)
City Lights Press (2015)

Peter Lang (2014)

City Lights Press (2014)

Haymarket Press (2014)

Monthly Review Press (2013)

Paradigm Publishers (2013)

(co-authored with Jeffrey DiLeo, Sophia McClennen, and Kenneth Saltman)

Paradigm (2013)

Routledge; 1 Edition (2012)

Routledge (2012)




52. Twilight of the Social: Resurgent Publics in the Age of Disposability
Paradigm (2012)

51. Education and the Crisis of Public Values
Peter Lang (2012)

50. On Critical Pedagogy
Continuum Press (2011)

49. Education and the Public Sphere: Ideas of Radical Pedagogy
(co-authored with Lech Witkowski) 
Cracow, Poland: Impuls 2011)

48. Zombie Politcs in the Age of Casino Capitalism
Peter Lang (2011)

47. Hearts of Darkness: Torturing Children in the War on Terror
Paradigm (2010)

46. The Mouse that Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence, 2nd edition 
(co-authored with Grace Pollock) 
Rowman and Littlefield (2010)

45. Politics After Hope: Obama and the Crisis of Youth, Race, and Democracy
Paradigm (2010)

44. Elistirel Pedagojinin Soylesileri 
(co-authored with Michael Apple, Peter McLaren, Paulo Freire, and David Harvey) 
Kalkedon Yayinlari ( Turkey 2009)

43. Youth in a Suspect Society: Democracy or Disposability?
Palgrave-Macmillan (2009)

42. Eleştirel Pedagojinin VaadiKalkedon Yayinlari (Turkey 2008)

41. Against the Terror of Neoliberalism: Politics Beyond the Age of Greed, Paradigm Publishers, (2008) 
University of British Columbia Press (2008)

40. Eleştirel Pedagoji ve NeoliberalizmKalkedon Yayinlari (Turkey 2007)

39. The University in Chains: Confronting the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex, Paradigm Publishers, (2007)

38. Stormy Weather: Katrina and the Politics of Disposability, Paradigm Publishers, (2006)

37. The Giroux Reader. Edited by Christopher Robbins, Paradigm Publishers, (2006)

36. Beyond the Spectacle of Terrorism: Global Uncertainty and the Challenge of the New MediaParadigm Publishers (2006)

35. America on the Edge: Henry Giroux on Politics, Culture, and Education. Palgrave (2006)

34. Against the New Authoritarianism: Politics After Abu Ghraib
Arbeiter Ring Publishing (2005)

33. Schooling and the Struggle for Public Life, 2nd Edition. Paradigm Publishers (2005)

32. Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education, 2nd Edition 
Routledge Publishing (2005)

31. The Terror of Neoliberalism: Authoritarianism and the Eclipse of DemocracyParadigm Publishers (2004)

30. Take Back Higher Education: Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post Civil Rights Era, [co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux] Palgrave (2004)

29. The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear Palgrave (2003)

28. Public Spaces/Private Lives: Democracy Beyond 9/11, Rowman and Littlefield (2003)

27. Breaking in to the Movies: Film and the Culture of Politics, Basil Blackwell Press (2002) Cine Y entretenimiento Paidos (2003)

26. Theory and Resistance in Education (Revised Edition)
Bergin and Garvey (2001)

25. Kriitten Pedagogiikka (co-authored with Peter McLaren)
Finland: Tampere-Vastapaino (2001)

24. Stealing Innocence: Corporate Culture’s War on Children
St. Martin's Press (2001) Spanish edition in press

23. Impure Acts: The Practical Politics of Cultural Studies 
Routledge (2000) Cultura, politics y practica educativa
Barcelona, Spain: Grao (2001)
Atos Puros: A pratica politica dos estudos culturais
Sao Paulo, Brazil: Artmed (2003)

22. Sociedad, Cultura Y Educacion (co-authored with Peter McLaren) Madrid, Spain: Mino and Darila Editores (1999)

21. The Mouse That Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence
Rowman and Littlefield Press (1999) El ratoncito feroz: Disney o el fin de la inocencia Madrid, Spain: Fundacion German Sanchez Ruiperez, (2001) A Korean language version was published in 2002.

20. Critical Education in the New Information Age (co-authored with Manuel Castells, Ramon Flecha, Paulo Freire, Donaldo Macedo, and Paul Willis) Rowman and Littlefield Press (1999)
Neuvas Perspectivas Criticas en Educacion (co-authored with Manuel Castells, Ramon Flecha, Paulo Freire, Donaldo Macedo, and Paul Willis) Ediciones Paidos [Barcelona, Spain: 1994, 1997]
Novas Perspectivas Crticas em Educacao (co-authored with Manuel Castells, Ramon Flecha, Paulo Freire, Donaldo Macedo, and Paul Willis) Artes Medicas, [Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1996]

19. Channel Surfing: Racism, the Media, and the Destruction of Today's Youth St. Martin's Press and MacMillan (England) (1998)

18. Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope: Theory, Culture, and Schooling Westview/Harper Collins (1997)

17. Counternarratives (co-authored with Peter McLaren, Colin Lankshear, and Mike Cole) Routledge Publishing [1996]

16. Fugitive Cultures: Race, Violence, and Youth Routledge Publishing [1996]

15. Disturbing Pleasures: Learning Popular Culture
Routledge Publishing [1994] Placeres Inquietantes: Aprendiendo la Cultura Popula Ediciones Paidos [Barcelona, Spain: 1996]

14. Education Still Under Siege (Second Edition) (co-authored with Stanley Aronowitz) Bergin and Garvey Press [1994]

13. Living Dangerously: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Culture Peter Lang Publishing [1993]

12. Igualdad Educativa Y Diferencia Cultural (co-authored with Ramon Flecha) El Roure Press [Barcelona, Spain: 1992]

11. Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education Routledge Publishing [1992]
Cruzando Limites: Trabajodores Culturales Y Politicas Educativas Ediciones Paidos [Barcelona, Spain: 1997] Cruzando as Fronteiras Do Discurso Educacional: Novas Politicas em Educacao Artes Medicas Sul (Porte Alegre, Brazil: 1999) 

10. Postmodern Education: Politics, Culture, and Social Criticism (co-authored with Stanley Aronowitz) University of Minnesota Press [1991]

9. Curriculum Discourse as Postmodernist Critical Practice
Deakin University Press [1990] Australia

8. Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Bergin and Garvey Publishers [1988] 
Los Profesores Como Intelectuales Ediciones Paidos [Barcelona, Spain: 1990]
Los Professores Como Intellectuais Artes Medicas (Porto Alegre, Brazil: 1997) A Chinese version will be published in 2004

7. Schooling and the Struggle for Public Life University of Minnesota Press [1988] Routledge Publishing [1989]
La Escuela Y La Lucha Por La Ciudadania Siglo Veintiuno Editores [1993] Mexico

6. Escola Critica E Politica Cultural Editora Autores Associados [1987] Brazil

5. Education Under Siege: The Conservative, Liberal, and Radical Debate Over Schooling (co-authored with Stanley Aronowitz)
Bergin and Garvey Press [1985] Routledge and Kegan Paul [1986] England

4. Critical Theory and Educational Practice Deakin University Press [1983] Australia

3. Theory and Resistance in Education [Introduction by Paulo Freire] Bergin and Garvey [1983] USA Heinemann [1983] England Editora Vozes (Portuguese) [1986] Brazil Siglo Veintiuno Editores (Spanish) Mexico (1992)

2. Pedagogia Radical: Subsidios
Editora Autores Associados [1983] Brazil

1. Ideology, Culture and the Process of Schooling
Temple University Press [1981] USA
Falmer Press (Taylor and Francis) [1981] England

Journal articles

Journal Articles

1. "A Blow for Prison Justice," The Progressive (March, 1975), pp. 10-11.

2. A review of The Mayor's Man by B. Gotteherer, The Brown University Alumni Magazine (October, 1975), pp. 54-55.

3. "The Politics of Technology, Culture, and Alienation," Left curve: A Journal of the Arts and Politics (Summer/Fall 1976), pp. 32-41.

4. "Schooling as a Process: The Role of Dialogue in Education," Clearing House, 50 (September, 1976), pp. 20-23.

5. "The Politics of Despair," Cineaste, Fall, 1976, pp. 32-41.

6. "The Paradox of Lina Wertmuller: Film and the Dialectic of Alienation," Film Criticism (Winter, 1976), pp. 11-20.

7. "Social Relations in the Classroom: The Dialectics of the Hidden Curriculum," (with Anthony Penna) Edcentric (Spring, 1977), pp. 39-47.

8. "The Struggle to Save the Cities," The Massachusetts Review (Summer, 1977), pp. 325-332.

9. "The Politics of the Hidden Curriculum," Independent School (October, 1977), pp. 42-43.

10. "The French Student Revolt of 1968, Part I," Council for European Studies Journal (Columbia University, November/December 1977), pp. 11-22.

11. "The French Student Revolt of 1968, Part II," Council for European Studies Journal (Columbia University, December/January 1978), pp. 21-26.

12. "Looking for Mr. Goodbar," Film Quarterly (Summer, 1978), pp. 52-54.

13. "Writing History: The Pedagogy of a Writing/History Model," The History and Social Science Teacher (Spring, 1978), pp. 181-190; reprinted in Angora: A Journal of the Victorian Historical Society of Australia (October, 1978), pp. 1-9.

14. "Beyond the Writing Crisis," Journal of Education (Fall, 1978), pp. 40-49.

15. "Developing Educational Programs: Overcoming the Hidden Curriculum," The Clearing House (December, 1978), pp. 148-151.

16. "Teaching Content and Thinking Through Writing," Social Education (March, 1979), pp. 190-193.

17. "Writing and Critical Thinking in Social Studies," Curriculum Inquiry, 8(4) (March 1979), pp. 291-310.

18. "Overcoming Humanistic and Behavioral Objectives," Educational Forum, (May 1979), pp. 409-427.

19. "Paulo Freire's Approach to Radical Educational Reform," Curriculum Inquiry, 9(3) (Fall, 1979), pp. 257-272.

20. Essay Review of Ideology and Curriculum by Michael Apple, Journal of Education, 163(4) (Fall, 1979), pp. 88-91.

21. "Toward a New Sociology of Education," Educational Leadership, (December 1979), pp. 248-252.

22. "Schooling and the Culture of Positivism," Educational Theory, 29(4) (1979), pp. 263-284.

23. "Mass Culture and the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading," Interchange, 10(4) (1979-1980), pp. 89-98.

24. "Character, Class, and Culture," Jump Cut, 22 (May, 1980), pp. 1-7.

25. "The Politics of Student Resistance in Classroom Pedagogy," Journal of Education, 163(3) (Summer, 1980), pp. 75-91.

26. "Gramsci, Hegemony, and Schooling," British Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(3) (1980), pp. 215-225.

27. Essay Review of Antonio Gramsci: Conservative Schooling for Radical Politics by Harold Entwistle, Telos, 45 (Fall, 1980), pp. 215-225.

28. "Beyond the Limits of Radical Educational Reform: Toward a Critical Theory of Education," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2(1) (Winter 1980), pp. 20-46.

29. "Teacher Education and the Ideology of Social Control," Journal of Education, 162(1) (Winter 1980), pp. 5-27.

30. "Social Education in the Classroom: The Dynamics of the Hidden Curriculum," (with Anthony Penna) Theory and Research in Social Education, 7(1) (Winter 1980), pp 21-42.

31. "Reproduction and Resistance in Classroom Pedagogy," Social Practice, (Spring 1980), pp. 61-64.

32. "Dialectics and the Development of Curriculum Theory," Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2(2) (Summer 1980), pp. 61-64.

33. "Response to Cornbleth on `Social Education in the Classroom'" (With Anthony Penna), Theory and Research in Social Education, 8(2) (1980), pp. 61-64.

34. "Beyond the Correspondence Theory: Notes on the Dynamics of Educational Reproduction and Transformation," Curriculum Inquiry, 10(3) (1980), pp. 225-247.

35. "Critical Theory and Rationality in Citizenship Education," Curriculum Inquiry, 10(4) (1980), pp. 329-366.

36. "Pedagogy, Pessimism, and the Politics of Conformity," Curriculum Inquiry, 11(3) (1981), pp. 211-222.

37. "Schooling and the Myth of Objectivity: Stalking the Hidden Curriculum," McGill Journal of Education, 17 (1981), pp. 282-304; Reprinted in abridged form in Educational Digest (May, 1981).

38. "Hegemony, Resistance, and the Paradox of Educational Reform," Interchange, 12(2/3) (1981), pp. 3-26.

39. "Culture and Rationality in Frankfurt School Thought: Ideological Foundations for a Theory of Social Education," Theory and Research in Social Education, 9(4) (1982), pp. 17-56.

40. "The Politics of Educational Theory," Social Text, No. 5 (Spring, 1982), pp. 81-107.

41. "Literacy, Ideology, and the Politics of Schooling," Humanities in Society, 4(4) (November, 1982), pp. 20-36.

42. "Power and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education," Curriculum Perspectives [Australia], (November, 1982), pp. 1-22.

43. "Ideology and Agency in the Process of Schooling," Journal of Education, 165(1) (Winter, 1983), pp. 12-34.

44. "Critical Theory and Schooling: Implications for the Development of a Radical Pedagogy," Discourse [Australia] (March, 1983), pp. 1-21; [revised version of "Culture and Rationality in Frankfurt School Thought," op. cit.]

45. "Theories of Reproduction and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education: A Critical Analysis," Harvard Educational Review, 53(3) (August, 1983), pp. 257-293.

46. "Rethinking the Language of Education," Language Arts, 61(1) (January, 1984), pp. 33-40

47. "Marxism and Education: The Limits of a Radical Discourse," Educational Theory, 34(2) (1984), pp. 113-135.

48. A Review of The Crisis in Historical Materialism, Henry Giroux talks to Stanley Aronowitz in Psychology and Social Theory, No. 4 (1984), pp. 36-40.

49. "El Conservadurismo Educativo en EE.UU.," Accion Educativa (Madrid, Spain), No. 26 (June, 1984), pp. 9-12.

50. "Public Philosophy and the Crisis in Education," Harvard Educational Review, 54(2) (1984), pp. 186-194.

51. "Crisis and Possibilities in Public Education," Issues in Education, 2(1) (Summer, 1984), pp. 1-11.

52. "Knowledge and Control in Schooling: The Paradox of Power in Educational Theory and Practice," (with Lindsay Fitzclarence) Language Arts, 61(5) (September, 1984), pp. 462-477.

53. "Public Education and the Discourse of Crisis, Power and Vision," Occasional Paper Number 11 (Comparative Education Center, Faculty of Educational Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo, (August, 1984).

54. "Book Review or Tabloid: An Extended Commentary on Reitz and Martin's Review of Theory and Resistance in Education by Henry Giroux," Educational Studies, 15(3) (Fall, 1984), pp. 330-337.

55. "Curriculum Study and Cultural Politics" (with Roger Simon), Journal of Education, 166(3) (Fall, 1984), pp. 226-238.

56. "La Educacion Publica y el Discurso, el Poder y el Futuro," Revista de Education 274 (Mayo-Agosto, 1984), pp. 5024 [Spain].

57. "Curriculum Theory and the Politics of Curriculum Production," (with Lindsay Fitzclarence) New Education, 6(2) (1984), pp. 17-28 [Australia].

58. "Thunder on the Right: Education and the Ideology of the Quick Fix," Curriculum Inquiry, 15(1) (Winter, 1985), pp. 57-62.
59. "Public Education and the Discourse of Possibility: Rethinking Neo-Conservative and Left Educational Theory," News for Teachers of Political Science (February, 1985), pp. 13-16.

60. "Teachers as Intellectuals," Social Education, 49(15) (May, 1985), pp. 376-379.

61. "Toward a Critical Theory of Education: Beyond a Marxism with Guarantees," Educational Theory, 35(3) (1985), pp. 313-319.

62. A Review of Critical Social Psychology by Philip Wexler in Qualitative Sociology, 8(2) (Summer, 1985), pp. 186-189.

63. "Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics and the Discourse of Experience," Journal of Education, 167(2) (Fall, 1985), pp. 22-41.

64. "Radical Education and Transformative Intellectuals" (with Stanley Aronowitz), Canadian Journal of Social and Political Theory, 9(3) (1985), pp. 48-63.

65. Intellectual Labor and Pedagogical Work: Rethinking the Role of the Teacher as Intellectual, Part I," Phenomenology and Pedagogy, 3(1) (1985), pp. 20-32.

66. "Critical Pedagogy and the Resisting Intellectual," Phenomenology and Pedagogy, 3(2) (1985), pp. 84-97.

67. A Review of Beyond Domination by Patricia White in Educational Studies, 16(2) (Winter, 1985), pp. 422-430.

68. Henry A. Giroux, David Shumway, Paul Smith, and James Sosnoski, "The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres," Dalhousie Review, 64(2) (Summer, 1984), pp. 472-486 [appeared in 1986].
69. "Radical Pedagogy and the Politics of Student Voice," Interchange, 17(1) (1986), pp. 48-69.

70. "Reproducing Reproduction" A review of Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality by Jeanne Oaks (with Peter McLaren), Metropolitan Education, No. 1 (Spring, 1986), pp. 108-118.

71. "Can Schools Become Centers of Critical Learning" (with Stanley Aronowitz), The Public Education Networker, No. 3 & 4 (1986), pp. 13-15.

72. "Curriculum Teaching and the Role of the Resisting Intellectual," Curriculum and Teaching, 1(1/2) (1986), pp. 33-42.

73. "Authority, Intellectuals, and the Politics of Practical Learning," Teachers College Record, 88(1) (Fall, 1986), pp. 22-40.

74. "Teacher Education and the Politics of Engagement: The Case for Democratic Schooling" [with Peter McLaren], Harvard Educational Review, 56(3) (August, 1986), pp. 213-238.

75. "Critical Theory and the Politics of Culture and Voice: Rethinking the Discourse of Educational Research," Journal of Thought, 21(3) (Fall, 1986), pp. 84-105.

76. "Solidarity, Struggle, and the Public Sphere: Beyond the Politics of Anti-Utopianism in Radical Education, Part I," The Review of Education, 12(3) (Summer, 1986), pp. 165-173.

77. "Solidarity, Struggle and the Discourse of Hope: Theory, Practice, and Experience in Radical Education, Part II," The Review of Education, 12(4) (Fall, 1986), pp. 247-266.

78. "The Politics of Schooling and Culture," Orbit, 17(4) (1986), pp. 10-12.

79. "The Politics of Civic Courage," The Antaeus Report (Fall, 1986), p. 1.

80. "Resurrecting the Spirit of John Dewey and the Challenge of Critical Pedagogy" [with Peter McLaren], Insights: The John Dewey Society for the Study of Education and Culture, 22(2) (December, 1986), pp. 1-2.

81. "Teacher Education as a Counterpublic Sphere: Radical Pedagogy as a Form of Cultural Politics" [with Peter McLaren], Philosophy and Social Criticism (1987), pp. 51-69. Reprinted in Antonio Flavio Moreira e Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, eds. Curriculo, Cultura, E Sociedade (Brazil: Cortez Editora, 1994), pp.125-154.

82. "Teacher Education as Cultural Politics" [with Peter McLaren], New Education, 8(1) (1986), pp. 1-10.

83. "Rejoinder to Web and Sherman" [with Peter McLaren], Insights: The John Dewey Society for the Study of Education and Culture, 22(2) (December, 1986), p. 3.

84. Critical Literacy and Student Experience: A Commentary on Donald Graves' Approach to Literacy," Language Arts, 64(2) (February, 1987), pp. 175-181.

85. A Review of The Management of Ignorance by Fred Inglis (with Peter McLaren), Canadian Journal of Sociology, 12(3), 1987, pp. 290-292.

86. "Citizenship, Public Philosophy, and the Struggle for Democracy," Educational Theory, 37(2) (Spring, 1987), pp.103-120.

87. "Ideologies About Schooling: Rethinking the Nature of Educational Reform" (With Stanley Aronowitz), Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 7(1) (1987), pp. 7-38.

88. "Liberal Arts, Public Philosophy, and the Politics of Civic Courage," Curriculum Inquiry, 17(3) (1987), pp. 331-335.

89. "Schooling and the Politics of Ethics: Beyond Conservative and Liberal Discourses," Journal of Education, 169(3) (1987), pp. 9-33.

90. "Educational Reform and the Politics of Teacher Empowerment," New Education, 9(1/2) (1987), pp. 3-13.
91. "Literacy and the Pedagogy of Political Empowerment," Educational Theory, 38(1) (1988), pp. 61-75

92. "Schrag Speaks: Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune," Educational Theory, 38(1) (1988), pp. 145-146.

93. "Schooling, Culture, and Literacy in the Age of Broken Dreams," (with Stanley Aronowitz), Harvard Educational Review, 58(2) (May 1988), pp. 172-194.

94. "Educational Reform in the Age of Reagan: Schooling for Less," Democratic Left XVI(2) (1988), pp. 7-9.

95. "Education for Democracy and Empowerment," Tikkun, (September/October, 1988), pp. 30-33.

96. "Hope for Our Schools: A New Manifesto for Education," (with Stanley Aronowitz), The Village Voice, (October 4, 1988), pp. 11, 121.

97. "Ideology, Popular Culture, and Pedagogy" (with Roger I. Simon), Curriculum and Teaching, 3(1 & 2) (1988), pp. 3-8.

98. "Schooling, Popular Culture and a Pedagogy of Possibility" (with Roger I. Simon), Boston University Journal of Education, 170(1) (1988), pp. 9-26.

99. "Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Reconstructing the Discourse of Ideology and Pleasure" (with Roger Simon), Cultural Studies, 2(3) (1988), pp. 294-320.

100. "Hope and Radical Education," Journal of Education, 170(2) (1988), pp. 91-101.

101. "The Liberal Arts Must Be Reformed to Serve Democratic Ends," (with Harvey Kaye) The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 29, 1989, p. A44.

102. A Review of Intellectuals, Universities, and the State in Western Modern Societies, edited by Ron Eyerman, et al., Journal of Higher Education (May, 1989), pp. 475-478.

103. "Rethinking Education Reform in the Age of George Bush," Phi Delta Kappan, 70(9) (May 1989), pp. 728-730. Reprinted in The Education Digest LV(2) (October 1989), pp. 3-6. Reprinted in Preventing School Failure 34(1) (Fall, 1989), pp. 42-45.

104. "Border Pedagogy, Postmodernism and the Struggle for Student Voices," Nordisk Pedagogik, 9(2), 1989, pp. 100-110 (Norway).

105. "Postmodernism and the Discourse of Educational Criticism," Boston University Journal of Education, 170(3) 1988 [appeared in October 1989], pp. 5-30; Reprinted as "El posdmodernismy y el discurso de la critic educativa" in Alicia De Alba, ed. Posmodernidad y Educacion (Mexico: Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad, 1995), pp. 178-204.

106. "Border Pedagogy in the Age of Postmodernism," Boston University Journal of Education, 170(3) 1988 [appeared in October 1989], pp. 162-181; Reprinted as "La pedagogia de frontera en la era del posmodernismo," in Alicia De Alba, ed. Posmodernidad y Educacion (Mexico: Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad, 1995), pp.

107. "Liberal Arts Education and the Struggle for Public Life: Dreaming About Democracy," South Atlantic Quarterly, 89(1), 1990, pp. 113-138.

108. "The Politics of Postmodernism: Redefining the Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity," Journal of Urban and Cultural Studies 1(1), 1990, pp. 5-38.

109. "Curriculum Theory, Textual Authority, and the Role of Teachers as Public Intellectuals," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision 5(4), (Summer 1990), pp. 361-383.

110. "Writing for the Masses and Other Liberal Simplicities" in Socialism and Democracy No. 11 (September 1990), pp. 163-172.

111. "Reading Texts, Literacy, and Textual Authority," Journal of Education 172(1), 1990, pp. 84-103.

112. "Rethinking the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Modernism, Postmodernism, and Feminism," College Literature 17(2/3), 1990, pp. 1-50. Reprinted in Mexico as: "Replanteamiento de los limites del discurso educacional: modernismo, postmodernismo, y feminismo," (1a. parte). Perspectiuos Docentes 5 (Mayo-Agosto, 1991), pp. 3-28. "Replanteamiento de los limites del discurso educacional: modernismo, postmodernismo, y feminismo," (2a. parte). Perspectiuos Docentes 5 (Mayo-Agosto, 1991), pp. 4-22.

113. "Curriculum Planning, Public Schooling, and Democratic Struggle," National Association of Secondary School Principles 75(132), 1991, pp. 12-25.

114. "Beyond the Ethics of Flag Waving: Schooling and Citizenship for a Critical Democracy," The Clearing House 64(5) (May/June, 1991), pp. 305-308.

115. “Leon Golub's Radical Pessimism: Towards a Pedagogy of Representation," (with Peter McLaren), Exposure 28(1/2) (1991), pp. 18-34.

116. "Border Pedagogy and the Politics of Modernism/Postmodernism," Journal of Architectural Education (February, 1991), pp. 69-79.

117. "Democracy and the Discourse of Cultural Difference: Towards a Politics of Border Pedagogy," British Journal of the Sociology of Education 12(4) (1991), pp. 501-519; reprinted as "Democracia Y El Discurso de la Diferencia Cultural: Hacia Una Politica Pedagogica de Los Limites," Kikiriki No. 31-32 (December 1993-May 1994), pp. 22-37.
118. "Border Pedagogy and the Politics of Postmodernism," Social Text 28 (1991), pp. 51-67. An expanded version of this paper was reprinted in Education and Society 9(1) (1992), pp. 23-38.

119. "The Politics of Clarity," (with Stanley Aronowitz), Afterimage 19(3) (1991), pp. 5, 17. Reprinted as "The Politics of Theory, Practice, and Clarity," The Clearing House 65(5)(May/June 1992), pp. 273, 276-279.

120. "Paulo Freire, Post-Colonial Discourse, and the Politics/Pedagogy of Border Crossings," The Journal of Advanced Composition 12(1) (Winter 1992), pp. 15-26.

121. "Cultural Workers, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference: Beyond Cultural Conservatism,"(with David Trend), Cultural Studies 6 (1) (January 1992), pp. 51-72.

122. "Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference," College Literature 19 (1) (February 1992), pp. 1-12.
123. "America 2000 and the Politics of Erasure: Democracy and Cultural Difference Under Siege," (with Peter McLaren), The International Journal of Educational Reform 1(2) (April 1992), pp. 99-110.

124. "Educational Leadership and the Crisis of Democratic Government," Educational Researcher 21(4) (May 1992), pp. 4-11.

125. "Post-Colonial Ruptures and Democratic Possibilities: Multiculturalism as Anti-Racist Pedagogy," Cultural Critique 21 (Spring 1992), pp. 5-39. Translated as Henry A. Giroux, Paulo Freire e a Politica do Pos-Colonialismo," Patio: Revista Pedagogica 1:2 (Agosto/Outubro 1997), Brazil, pp. 14-19.

126. "Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity," Theory into Practice 31(3) (Summer 1992), pp. 219-227.

127. "Pedagogy and the Critical Practice of Photography," (with Roger Simon). Afterimage 20(4) (November 1992), pp. 12-13, 17.

128. "Rewriting the Politics of Identity and Difference," The Review of Education 14 (1992), pp. 305-316.

129. "Educational Leadership in the Era of the Los Angeles Uprising," The International Journal of Educational Reform 1(4), 1992, pp. 406-411.

130. "Curriculum, Multiculturalism, and the Politics of Identity," National Association of Secondary School Principles 76(548) (December 1992), pp. 1-11.

131. "Writing from the Margins: Geographies of Identity, Pedagogy and Power," (with Peter McLaren). Journal of Education 174(1), 1992, pp. 7-30.

132. "The Habermassian Headache: A Response to Deiter Misgeld," Phenomenology and Pedagogy 10 (1992), pp. 143-149

133. "Critical Pedagogy and Rural Education," (with Peter McLaren). Peabody Journal of Education 167(4) (Summer 1990), published in 1992, pp. 154-165.

134. "Literary Studies, Pedagogy, and the Turn to Culture," The Review of Education, 15(4) (1993), pp. 109-122.

135. "Living Dangerously: Identity Politics and the New Cultural Racism: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Representation," Cultural Studies 7(1) (1993), pp. 1-27.

136. "Schools for Scandal," Transition, No. 59 (1993), pp. 88-103; a shorter version of this article was published as "Whittle and Company: Profit, Educational Reform, and the Pedagogy of Commercialization," The International Journal of Educational Reform 2(1) (January 1993), pp. 72-76.

137. "The Promise of Schooling in Clinton's America," The International Journal of Educational Reform 2(2), (April, 1993), pp. 176-179.

138. "Disturbing the Peace: Writing and Pedagogy in the Cultural Studies Classroom," College Literature 20(2), (1993), PP. 13-26.

139. "Border Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference," Indirections 18:1 (March 1993), pp. 14-25.
140. "The Politics of Insurgent Multiculturalism in the Era of the Los Angeles Uprising," The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 26:1 (Spring 1993), pp. 12-30.

141. "Beyond the Politics of Innocence: Memory and Pedagogy in the ‘Wonderful World of Disney'" Socialist Review 23:2 (1993), pp. 79-107. A shorter and revised version appears as "Innocence and Pedagogy in Disney's World," International Journal of Educational Reform 2:4 (October 1993), pp. 425-428. Reprinted as "Memoria E Pedagogia No Marvilhoso Mundo Da Disney," in Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, ed. Alienigenas Na Sala De Aula: Uma Introducao Aos Estudos Culturais Em Educacao (Brazil: Editoria Vozes, 1995), pp..85-103.

142. "Poststructuralist Ruptures and Pedagogical Possibilities: The Turn Towards Theory," Strategies, No. 7 (Fall 1993), pp. 10-30.

143. "Public Intellectuals in Higher Education," The International Journal of Educational Reform 3:1 (January 1994), pp. 81-84.

144. "Consuming Social Change: The `United Colors of Benetton'" Cultural Critique, No. 26 (Winter 1993-1994), pp. 5-32). A version of this piece is reprinted in Business and Society Review, No. 89 (Spring 1994), pp. 6-14.

145. "Where's the Public in Higher Education," Civic Arts Review, 7:9 (Summer, 1994), pp. 16, 15.

146. "Teachers, Public Life, and Curriculum Reform," Peabody Journal of Education 69:3 (Spring 1994), pp. 35-46

147. "Slacking Off: Border Youth and Postmodern Education," Journal of Advanced Composition 14:2 (Fall 1994), pp. 347-366; a revised version appears as "Education in the Age of Slackers" The International Journal of Educational Reform 3:2 (April 1994), pp. 210-215.

148. "National Identity and the New Nationalism: The Rise of Ethnic Absolutism in the United States," The International Journal of Educational Reform 3:3 (July 1994), pp. 338-342.

149. "Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy," Harvard Educational Review 64:3 (Fall 1994), pp. 278-308.

150. "Why Cultural Studies?" The Cultural Studies Times 1:2 (Fall, 1994), pp. A1, A15.

151. "Los Profesores Como Intelectuales Publicos,"Kikiriki N0. 34 (September-November, 1994), pp. 39-47.

152. "Academics as Public Intellectuals,"Minnesota Review N.S. 41/42 (Fall 1993/Spring 1994), pp. 310-323.
153. "Teaching in the Age of Political Correctness," The Educational Forum 59:2 (Winter 1995), pp. 130-139.

154. "Is There a Place for Cultural Studies in Colleges of Education?" The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 17:2 (1995), pp. 127-142. A revised version appears in "The Challenge of Cultural Studies to Colleges of Education," The International Journal of Educational Reform 3:4 (October 1994), pp. 464-469.

155. "When you Wish Upon a Star it Makes a Difference Who You Are: Animated Films for Children and the Wonderful World of Disney" The International Journal of Educational Reform 4:1 (January 1995), pp. 79-83. A shorter version appears in Orange Coast Magazine (June 1995), pp. 56-69.
156. "White Panic and the Racial Coding of Violence," Z Magazine 8:3 (March 1995), pp. 12-14.

157. "Pulp Fiction and the Culture of Violence," Harvard Educational Review 65:2 (Summer 1995), 299-324. A shorter version of this piece appears as "Film Violence as an Educational and Cultural Policy Issue," International Journal of Educational Reform 4:2 (April 1995), pp. 210-213.

158. "Animating Youth: the Disnification of Children's Culture," Socialist Review 24:3 (1995), pp. 23-55. Reprinted as "A Disneyzacao Da Cultura Infantil," in Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva and Antonio Flavio Moreira, eds. Territorios Contestados (Brazil: Vozes, 1995), pp. 49-81.
159. "Talking Heads: Public Intellectuals and Radio Pedagogy," Art Papers (July/August 1995), pp. 17-21. A short version of this appears as "Radio Pedagogy and Public Intellectuals," International Journal of Educational Reform 4:3 (July 1995), pp. 355-358; "Talk Radio, Public Intellectuals, and Right Wing Pedagogy," The Cultural Studies Times 1:3 (Fall 1996), pp. 1, 5, 19.

160. "National Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism," College Literature 22:2 (June 1995), pp. 42-57. A revised version appears as: "Multiculturalism and the Politics of Nationalism," Cultural Circles Vol. 1 (Fall 1997), pp. 7-28.
161. "Racism and the Aesthetic of Hyper-real Violence: Pulp Fiction and Other Visual Tragedies," Social Identities 1:2 (1995), pp. 333-354.
162. "Doleywood and the Politics and Culture of Violence," New Art Examiner (September 1995), pp. 24-27. Reprinted in Punk Planet, No. 10 (November/December 1995), pp. 60-64. A shorter version of this appears as "Washington's Politics and the Culture of Violence," International Journal of Educational Reform 4:4 (1995), pp. 482-483.

163. "Border Literacy and the Politics of Difference," The Civic Arts Review 8:3-4 (Summer-Fall 1995), pp. 12-15.
164. "Teaching for Social Justice," Democracy and Education 10:2 (Winter 1995), p. 43.
165. "Playing the Race Card: Media Politics and the O.J. Simpson Verdict," Art Papers 20 (January/February 1996), pp. 14-19; a shorter version of this appeared as "Representations of Race, The O.J. Simpson Verdict, and the Responsibility of Educators," in International Journal of Educational Reform 5:1 (1996), pp. 95-100.
166. "Something Comes Between Kids and Their Calvins: Youththful Bodies, Pedagogy, and Commercialized Pleasures," New Art Examiner (February, 1996), pp. 16-21. Reprinted as "Wer macht den Kids den Calvin madig? Padagogische Korrespondenz 22 (Sommer 1998), pp. 77-85.

167. "Hollywood, Race, and the Demonization of Youth: The Kids are not Alright," Educational Researcher 25:2 (March 1996), pp. 31-35.

168. "Reimagining the Sixties in the Age of Cynicism: Hope and the Pedagogy of Public Memory," Educational Forum 60:3 (1996), pp. 205-209.
169. "Youth in Dismal Times and the Challenge of Education," International Journal of Educational Reform 5:2 (April 1996), pp. 217-222.

170. "Beating Up On Kids," Z Magazine 9:7/8 (July/August 1996), pp. 14-17.

171. "Black, Bruised, and Read All Over: Public Intellectuals the Politics of Race," Taboo 2 (Fall 1996), pp. 3-24.

172. "Race and the Debate on Public Intellectuals," International Journal of Educational Reform 5:3 (July 1996), pp. 345-350.

173. "Body Politics and the Pedagogy of Display," Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 18:3 (1996), pp. 307-331.
174. "Race Talk and The Bell Curve Debate: The Crisis of Democratic Vision" (with Susan Searls), Cultural Critique No. 34 (Fall 1996), pp. 5-26.

175. "Educacion posmoderna y generacion juvenil," Nueva Sociedad [Argentina] No. 146 (Noviembre-Diciembre 1996), pp. 148-167.

176. "Democratic Education and Popular Culture," The International Journal of Social Education 11:1 (Spring/Summer 1996), pp. 59-69.

177. "Critical Pedagogy as Performative Practice: Memories of Whiteness," Sculpture 16:1 (March 1997), pp. 32-35.

178. "Race and the Trauma of Youth," International Journal of Educational Reform 6:1 (January 1997), pp. 81-85.

179. "Race, Pedagogy, and Whiteness in Dangerous Minds," Cineaste XXII: 4 (1997), pp. 46-49. Another version of this piece appeared as "Toward a Pedagogy of Whiteness: Or Uncolored Teachers in Hollywood's View of Schooling," International Journal of Educational Reform 5:4 (1996), pp. 484-490.

180. "Youth and the Politics of Representation," Educational Researcher 26:4 (May 1997), pp. 27-30.

181. "Rewriting the Discourse of Racial Identity: Towards a Pedagogy and Politics of Whiteness," Harvard Educational Review 67:2 (Summer 1997), pp. 285-320.

182. "Where Have All the Public Intellectuals Gone? Racial Politics, Pedagogy, and Disposable Youth" Journal of Advanced Composition 17:2 (1997), pp. 191-205.
183. "Disney, Southern Baptists and Children's Culture: The Magic Kingdom as Sodom and Gomorrah." Z Magazine (September, 1997), pp. 47-51.

184. "White Squall: Resistance and the Pedagogy of Whiteness," Cultural Studies 11:3 (1997), pp. 376-389.

185. "Remembering Paulo Freire," Journal of Advanced Composition 17:3 (1997), pp. 310-312.
186. "Heroin Chic, Trendy Aesthetics, and the Politics of Pathology," New Art Examiner (November 1997), pp. 20-27.

187. "Channel Surfing, Race Talk, and Destruction of Today's Youth," North Coast Xpress 6:1 (December 1997/January 1998), pp. 18-20.

188. "Paulo Freire as a Theoretician of Social Change," Taboo (Fall 1997), pp. 179-182.
189. "Radical Pedagogy and Prophetic Thought: Remembering Paulo Freire," Rethinking Marxism 9:4 (1996/97), pp. 76-87.

190. "Una Vida de Lucha, Copromiso y Ezperanza," Cuadernos de Pedagogia N0. 265 (1998), pp. 42-45.
191. "Innocence Lost: Child Beauty Pageants and the Politics of Abuse," New Art Examiner (June 1998), pp. 26-31.

192. "Education: the Business of Public Education," Z Magazine (July/August, 1998), pp. 15-17. none - ZNetwork
193. "Education Incorporated?: Corporate Culture and the Challenge of Public Schooling," Educational Leadership 56:2 (October 1998), pp. 12-17.

194. "The Politics of Disposable Youth," Civic Arts Review 11:2 (Summer-Fall 1998), p. 16.

195. "Nymphet Fantasies: Child Beauty Pageants and the Politics of Innocence," Social Text 16:4 (1998), pp. 31-53.

196. "Padagogik und Winderstand in der Medienkultur: Padagogik als Diskursintervention," Das Argument N0. 227 (1998), pp. 619-630.

197. "Schools for Sale: Public Education, Corporate Culture, and the Citizen-Consumer," Educational Forum 63:2 (Winter 1999), pp. 140-149.

198. "Public Pedagogy and Rodent Politics: Cultural Studies and the Challenge of Disney," Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies Volume 2, (1999), pp. 253-266.
199. "Rethinking Cultural Politics and Radical Pedagogy in the Work of Antonio Gramsci," Educational Theory 49:1 (Winter 1999), pp. 1-19.
200. "Making the Pedagogical More Political: Reading Homi Bhabha," (with Susan Searls Giroux), Journal of Advanced Composition 19:2 (Winter, 1999), pp. 139-147.

201. "Substituting Prisons for Schools: Beyond the Politics of Textuality," Z Magazine (April 1999), pp. 46-49.

202. "Vocationalizing Higher Education: Schooling and the Politics of Corporate Culture," College Literature 26:3 (Fall 1999), pp. 146-161.

203. "Youth Panic and the Politics of Schooling: The Corporate Model of Teaching Needs to be Changed," Z Magazine (December 1999), pp. 27-31. 
204. "Public Pedagogy and the Responsibility of Intellectuals: Youth, Littleton, and the Loss of Innocence," Journal of Advanced Composition 20:1 (2000), pp. 9-42;

205. "Public Intellectuals and the Challenge of Children's Culture: Beyond the Myth of Innocence," The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 21:3 (1999), pp. 193-225.

206. "Cultural Politics and the Crisis of the University," Culture Machine Volume 2(2000), pp.1-23. 
207. "Stuart Hall, Public Pedagogy and the Crisis of Cultural Politics," Cultural Studies 14:2 (2000), pp. 341-360.

208. “At War Against the Young: Corporate Culture, Schooling and the Politics of `Zero Tolerance’.” Against the Current (May/June 2000), pp. 17-21.

209. “The Corporate University and the Politics of Education,”(with Stanley Aronowitz) Educational Forum 64:4 (Summer 2000), pp. 332-339.

210. “Cultural Studies and the Culture of Politics: Beyond Polemics and Cynicism,” Journal of Advanced Composition 20:3 (Summer 2000), pp. 505-540.

211. "Racial Politics, Pedagogy, and the Crisis of Representation in Academic Multiculturalism," Social Identities 6:4 (December 2000), pp. 493-510

212. “IKEA Boy and the Politics of Male Bonding: Fight Club, Consumerism and Violence (with Imre Szeman) New Art Examiner (December/January 2000/ 2001), pp. 32-37, 60-61.

213. “Cultural Studies as Performative Politics,” Cultural Studies--Critical Methodologies 1:1 (February 2001), pp. 5-23.

214. “Brutalized Bodies and Emasculated Politics: Fight Club, Consumerism, and Masculine Violence,” Third Text, N0. 53 (Winter 2000-2001), pp. 31-41.

215. “Zero Tolerance, Youth, and the Politics of Domestic Militarization, Part I,” Z Magazine (January 2001), pp. 31-35.

216. “Zero Tolerance: Creating a Generation of Suspects,” in Tikkun (March/April, 2001), pp. 29-32, 58-59.

217. Zero Tolerance, Youth, and the Politics of Domestic Militarization, Part II,” Z Magazine (February, 2001), pp. 44-48.

218. “Liberal Arts, Teaching, and Critical Literacy: Toward A Definition of Schooling as a Form of Cultural Politics,” Perspectives 30:2 (Fall 2001), pp. 135-154.

219. “Leaving Most Children Behind: George W. Bush’s Educational Reforms, Part I” Against the Current 92 (May/June 2001), pp. 23-28.

220. “Schooling a Culture of Fear: George W. Bush’s Educational Reforms, Part II” Against the Current (July/August, 2001), pp. 19-22.

221. “Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club, Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculine Violence,” JAC 21:1 (Winter 2001), pp. 1-31.

222. “Pedagogy of the Depressed: Beyond the New Politics of Cynicism,” College Literature 28:3 (Fall 2001), pp. 1-32.

223. “Mis/Education and Zero Tolerance: Disposable Youth and the Politics of Domestic Militarization,” Boundary 2 28, no. 3 (fall 2001), pp. 61-94

224. “Something’s Missing: From Utopianism to a Politics of Educated Hope,” Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture and Politics 14: 2 (November 2001), pp.227-252.
225. “Breaking Into the Movies: Pedagogy and the Politics of Film,” JAC 21:3 (Summer 2001), pp. 583-598.

226. “Educated Hope in an Age of Privatized Visions” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 2:1 (February 2002), pp. 93-112.

227. “Terrorism and the Fate of Democracy After September 11th,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 2:1 (February 2002), pp. 9-14.

228. “Reclaiming the Social in a Time of Crisis: Freedom and Democracy after September 11th,” Literary Research/recherche litteraire 18:36 (Fall/Winter, 2001), pp. 296-314.
229. “The Role of Educators in an Indoctrinated World,” Educate!: A Quarterly on Education and Development [Pakistan] 4:1 (2002), pp. 58-61.

230. “Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Education,” Revista Praxis, No. 1 (Columbia, May 2002), pp. 5-11, available online at

231. “Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th: Rethinking the Role of Educators and the Politics of Schooling,” Teachers College Record 104:6 (September 2002), pp. 1138-1162. Also on-line at www. TCRecord.Org (January 21, 2002), pp. 1-33.

232. “Democracy and the Politics of Terrorism: Community, Fear, and the Suppression of Dissent,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 2:3 (2002),pp. 334-342. An online and expanded version of this article appears as “Democracy, Terrorism, and the Culture of Fear: The Politics of Public Time versus Emergency Time,” in Culture Machine (November 2001), pp. 1-9. 
233. Kritische Padagogik und der Aufsteig des Neoliberalisms. Fur eine Vergindung der Postmoderne mit Kritscher Theorie,” [“Critical Pedagogy and the Rise of Neoliberalism: Beyond the Critical Theory/Postmodern Divide,”] Das Argument 44: 2 (2002), pp. 325-332.

234. “Youth and the Politics of Domestic Terrorism in a post-September 11 Era,” Tikkun 17:6 (November/December 2002), pp. 37-41.

235. “Los Profesores Como Intelectuales Transformativos,” Docencia 15 (December 2001), pp. 60-66.
236. “Public Pedagogy and the Politics of Resistance: Notes on a Critical Theory of Educational Struggle,” Educational Philosophy and Theory [New Zealand] 35:1 (2003), pp. 5-16; also published as “Pedagogia Publica y Politica de la Resistancia,” Opiciones Pedagogicas [Columbia] 25 (2002), pp. 44-58.
237. “Patriotism and the Culture of Fear: Beyond the Discourse of Moral Absolutes,” Politics and Culture Vol. 4: (2002), pp. 1-5
238. “Neoliberalism, Corporate Culture, and the Promise of Higher Education: The University as a Democratic Public Sphere,” Harvard Educational Review 72:4 (Winter 2002), pp. 424-463. 
239. “From ‘Manchild’ to Baby Boy: Race and the Politics of Self-Help,” JAC 22:3 (2002), pp. 527-560.

240. “Global Capitalism and the Return of the Garrison State,” Arena 19 ( 2002), pp. 141-160. A shorter version also printed as Henry A. Giroux, “El capitalismo global y la politica de la esperanza educada,” in Revista de Educación No. 2001 (Madrid, Spain, Ministerio de Educacion, 2002), pp. 251-264

241. “Educando para el futuro: rompiendo la influencia del neoliberalismo,” Revista de Educación (Madrid, Spain, 2002), pp. 25-38
242. “Pedagogia Critica: Esperanca Sem Ilusoes,” Patio: Revista Pedagogica [Brazil] 7:25 (February/April 2003), pp.52-55.

243. “Selling Out Higher Education,” Policy Futures in Education [New Zealand] 1:1 (2003), pp. 179-200.

244. “Repensando la politica de resistencia. Notas sobre una teoria critica de la lucha educativa,” Barbecho: Revista de Reflexion Socioeducativa [Malaga, Spain] 2 (Diciembre-Abril, 2003), pp. 17-24.
245. “‘Algo Se Esta Perdiendo’: Estudios Culturales, Neoliberalismos y Politica de La Esperanza Educada,” Opiciones Pedagogicas [Bogota, Columbia] 26-27 (2003), pp. 71-114.

246. “Utopian Thinking in Bad Times: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Educated Hope,” Democracy and Nature 9:1 (2003), pp. 91-105.

247. “Neoliberalism’s War Against Youth: Where are Children in the Debate on Politics?,” Against the Current (May-June, 2003), pp. 20-23.

248. “Youth, Higher Education and the Crisis of Public Time: Educated Hope and the Possibility of a Democratic Future,” Social Identities 9:2 (June 2003), pp. 141-168.

249. “Neoliberalism and the Disappearance of the Social in Ghost World,” Third Text 17:2 (June 2003), pp. 151-161. An earlier version appears as “Teen Girls’ Resistance and the Disappearing Social in Ghost World,” The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 24:4 (October-December, 2002), pp. 283-304.

250. “Shredding the Social Contract: War at Home and Abroad,” (co-authored with Paul Street) Z Net Commentary. (September 4, 2003). Available on-line:

251. “Racial Injustice and Disposable Youth in the Age of Zero Tolerance,” Qualitative Studies in Education Quarterly 16:4 (July-August, 2003), pp. 553-565.

252. “Waging War Abroad and at Home: youth and the Politics of Domestic Violence,” Cardinalis: A Journal of ideas (Summer 2003), pp. 36-53.

253. “Take Back Higher Education: A task for Intellectuals in a Time of Crisis,” [co-authored with Susan Searls-Giroux] Tikkun 18:6 (November-December, 2003), pp. 28-32.
254. “Politics, War, and the Disappearance of Children,” JAC 23:1 (2003), pp. 55-76.
255. “The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear,” Urban Debate Chronicle 2:3 (Autumn, 2003), pp. 3-6. 
256. “Reclaiming Antonio Gramsci in the Age of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Politics of Education,” Radical Philosophy Review 15:1&2 (2003), pp. 114-125.
257. “Authoritarianism’s Footprint and the War Against Youth,” St. John’s University Humanities Review 2:1 (Fall 2003), pp. 22-36. Reprinted in Dissident Voice (December 8, 2003). Available on-line:

258. “Dystopian Nightmares and Educated Hopes: The Return of the Pedagogical and the Promise of Democracy,” Policy Futures in Education 1:3 (2003), pp. 467-487.

259. “Hablar Sobre La Guerra: Los Ninos y la Politica Demilitarizacion Domestica,” Opciones Pedagogicas, 28 [Bogota, Columbia] (March, 2003), pp. 97-116.

260. “Critical Pedagogy and the Postmodern/Modern Divide: Towards a Pedagogy of Democratization,” Teacher Education Quarterly 31:1 (2004), pp. 31-48.

261. “Zero Tolerance, Domestic Militarization, and the War Against Youth,” Social Justice 30: 2 (2003), pp. 59-65.

262. “Tradition: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Youth,” Language and Intercultural Communication 3:3 (2003), pp. 172-186.

263. “Spectacles of Race and Pedagogies of Denial: Anti-black Racist Pedagogy Under the reign of Neoliberalism” Communication Education 52: 3/4 (July/October, 2003), pp. 191-211.

264. “Class Casualties: Disappearing Youth in the Age of George Bush,” Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labor 6:1 (February 2004). Available on-line:

265. “Cultural Studies, Public Pedagogy, and the Responsibility of Intellectuals,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 1:1 (March 2004), pp. 59-79

266. “Pedagogy, Film, and the Responsibility of Intellectuals,” Cinema Journal 43:2 (2004), pp. 119-127.

267. “War Talk, the Death of the Social, and Disappearing Children: Remembering the Other War,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 4:2 (May 2004), pp. 206-211.

268 . “Cultural Studies and the Politics of Public Pedagogy: Making the Political More Pedagogical,” Parallax 10:2 (2004), pp. 73-89.

269. “War on Terror: The Militarizing of Public Space and Culture in the United States,” Third Text 18:4 (2004), pp. 211-221.

270. “Edward Said and the Politics of Worldliness: Towards a ‘Rendezvous of Victory’,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 4:3 (August 2004), pp. 339-349.
271. Co-authored with Michele Schmidt, “Closing the Achievement Gap: A Metaphor for Children Left Behind,” Journal of Educational Change 5:3 (2004), pp. 207-211

272. “When Hope is Subversive,” Tikkun 19:6 (November/December, 2004), pp. 62-64.

273. “Beyond Belief: Religious Fundamentalism and Cultural Politics in the Age of George W. Bush,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 4:4 (November 2004), pp.415-425.

274. “What Might Education Mean After Abu Ghraib: Revisiting Adorno’s Politics of Education,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 24:1 (Spring, 2004), pp. 18-38. A slightly different version of this article appears as “Education After Abu Ghraib: Revisiting Adorno’s Politics of Education,” Cultural Studies 18:6 (2004), pp. 779-815.

275. “Rebel Without a Pause: Sina Rahmani Interviews Henry A. Giroux,” Policy Futures in Education 3 & 4, (2004), pp. 646-651

276. “Public Pedagogy, and the Politics of Neoliberalism: Making the Political More Pedagogical,” Policy Futures in Education 3 & 4, (2004), pp. 494-651.

277. “The Passion of the Right: Religious Fundamentalism and the Crisis of Democracy,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 5:3 (August 2005), pp. 309-317.

278. “Academic Entrepreneurs: The Corporate Takeover of Higher Education,” Tikkun (March/April 2005), pp. 18-22, 28
279. “Putting Youth Back into the Future: Reclaiming Education and Hope in Dark Times,” Canadian Children’s Literature 30:1 (Spring 2005), pp. 22-43.
280. “The Conservative Assault on America: Cultural Politics, Education, and the New Authoritarianism,” Cultural Politics 1:2 (July 2005), pp. 139-163.

281. “The Passion of the Right: Religious Fundamentalism and the End of Reason,” Dissident Voice (November 29, 2004). Online: A version also published as “Rapture Politics: Religious Fundamentalism and the End of Reason,” The Toronto Star (July 24, 2005), Section D. P. 1, 10.

282. “Lost in Translation,” Tikkun 20:5 (September/October, 2005), p. 46.
283. “The Terror of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Significance of Cultural Politics,” College Literature 32:1 (2005), pp. 1-19

284. “Critical Pedagogy and the Challenge of Neoliberalism,” Chinese Cross Currents 2:3 (2005), pp. 128-150.

285. “Translating the Future: Speaking to the Next Generation of Youth” The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 27:3 (July-September 2005), pp. 213-218..

286. “Representations of the Unreal: Bush’s Orwellian Newspeak,” Afterimage 33:3 (November/December 2005), pp. 18-27

287. “Resisting Market Fundamentalism and the New Authoritarianism: A New Task for Cultural Studies?” JAC 25:1 (2005), pp. 1-29 [appeared in January 2006]. A shorter version of this article appears as “Cultural Studies in Dark Times: Public Pedagogy and the Challenge of Neoliberalism,” Fast Capitalism 1:2 (2005), available online:

288. “Challenging Neoliberalism’s New World Order: The Promise of Critical Pedagogy,” (co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux) Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 6:1 (2006), pp. 21-32

289. “The Politics of Lying: The Assault on Meaning in Bush’s America,” Tikkun (March/April, 2006), pp. 36-37, 65-66.

290. “Democracy’s Promise and the Politics of Worldliness: Implications for Academics as Public Intellectuals,” Afterimage 33:6 (May-June 2006), pp. 20-25.

291. "Reading Hurricane Katrina: Race, Class, and the Biopolitics of Disposability,” College Literature 33:3 (Summer 2006), pp. 171-196.

292. “Dirty Democracy and State Terrorism: The Politics of the New Authoritarianism in the United States,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 26:2 (2006), pp. 163-177.

293. “Is there a role for Critical Pedagogy in Higher Education? Henry A. Giroux interviewed by Manuela Ghilherme,” Language and Intercultural Communication Journal 6:2 (2006), pp. 163-175. Manuela Guilherme, “Entrevista com Henry A. Giroux,” Revista Critica 73:(Dezembro 2005), pp. 131-143.

294. “The Politics of Disposability,” Dissident Voice (September 1, 2006), Online: Also published as “The Politics of Disposability,” The Toronto Star (August 27, 2006), p. D1, D4.

295. “Katrina and the Politics of Disposability,” In These Times (September 14, 2006). Online:

296. “El Nuevo Autoritarismo, la Pedagogia Critica y la Promesa de la Democracia,” Sinectica (Mexico) (Augosto 2006-Enero 2007), pp. 1-19.

297. “Academic Freedom Under Fire: The Case for Critical Pedagogy,” College Literature 33:4 (Fall 2006), pp. 1-42.

298. “Higher Education Under Siege: Implications for Public Intellectuals,” Thought and Action (Fall 2006), pp. 63-78

299. “Academic Repression in the First Person: The Attack on Higher Education and the Necessity of Critical Pedagogy,” CUNY Graduate Center Advocate (February 2007), pp. 14-15. Also online:

300. “Youth and the Politics of Disposablity: Resisting the Assault on Education and American Youth,” State of Nature (February 2007). Online:

301. “Rethinking the Spectacle of Terrorism in the Society of the Image,” Situations II:1 (2007), pp. 17-51.

302. “The Emerging Authoritarianism in the United States: Political Culture Under The Bush/Cheney Administration Symploke 14: 1-2 (2007), pp. 98-151.

303. Les intellectuels publics et la crise de la jeunesse: une trahison de la tradition intellectuelle,” Transculturalite (Belgium) Number 18 (decembre 2006–Appeared in June 2007), pp. 63-79.

304. “Arming the Academy: Universities in the Shadow of the National Security State,” Academic Matters (October, 2007), pp. 9-12.
305. “Beyond Neoliberal Common Sense: Cultural Politics and Public Pedagogy in Dark Times,” JAC 27: 1-2 (2007), pp. 11-61. 
306. “Democracy’s Promise and the Politics of Worldliness in the Age of Terror,” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 9:1 (2007), pp. 2-16. Online:
307. “Don’t Worry, We are all Racists!: Crash and the Politics of Bad Faith,”[co-authored with Susan Searls-Giroux] Third Text 21: 6 (November 2007), pp. 691-705.

308. “Educated Hope in Dark Times: Critical Pedagogy fo r Social Justice,” Our Schools/Our Selves 17:1 (Fall 2007), pp. 195-202.

309. (co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou), "Societies Under Siege: The Politics of Rich and Poor in the Age of Global Neoliberalism," Eleftherotypia (Greece--November 29, 2007). Online:,id=39449944#top 
310. “Violence, Biopolitics, and Katrina,” Theory, Culture & Society - Annual Review: Volume 24(7-8), (December 2007), pp. 304-309.

311. “Higher Education in a Time of Crisis,” Cosmopolis 2 (December 2007) [Italy], pp. 165-174. Online:

312. (co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou), “The Scourge of Global Neoliberalism and the Need to Reclaim Democracy,” Online Journal (February 15, 2008). Online:

313. “Paulo Freire: entre la persona y el politico,” Revista Interamericana de Educacion de Adultos [Mexico], Ano 29-Numero especial (Enero-diciembre 2008), pp. 141-145.
314. “Marketing the University: Confronting the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex,” Our Schools /Our Selves (17:3 (Spring 2008), pp. 147-165.
315. “Hollywood Film as Public Pedagogy: Education in the Crossfire,” Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism 35:5 (March/April 2008), pp. 7-13.

316. “Education and the Crisis of Democracy: Confronting Authoritarianism in a post 9/11 America,” Journal of Educational Controversy 3:1 (Winter 2008), pp. 1-6. Online:

317. “Youth in a Suspect Society: Education Beyond the Politics of Disposability,” Current Issues in Criminal Justice 20:1 (July 2008), pp. 111-122.

318. “Beyond the Biopolitics of Disposability: Rethinking Neoliberalism in the New Gilded Age,” Social Identities 14:5 (September 2008), pp. 587-620.

319. “Rethinking Democratic Education in the New Millennium,” Teachers College Record (September 8, 2008). Online: ID Number: 15365.
320. “The Militarization of U.S. Higher Education after 9/11,” Theory, Culture, & Society 25:5 (2008), pp. 56-82.

321. “Youth and the Crisis of the Future,” CUNY Graduate Center Advocate (August 31, 2008). Online:

322. (co-authored with Chronis Polychroniou), “Higher Education Without Democracy,” Tikkun (November-December 2008), pp. 44-45.

323. “Beyond the Corporatized and Militarized Knowledge Factory: Rethinking the Politics of Higher Education,” Cosmopolis III:2 ( December 15,2008) Italy. Online:

324. “Education and the Crisis of Youth: Schooling and the Promise of Democracy,” The Educational Forum 73:18-19(January 2009), pp. 8-18. 
325. “The Politics of Higher Education and the Militarized Academy after 9/11" Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics 29 (2009), pp. 104-126.

326. “Academic Unfreedom in America: Rethinking the University as a Democratic Public Sphere,” Works and Days 51/51: 26, Nos 1&2 (2008-2009), pp. 45-71.

327. “Slouching Towards Bethlehem: The New Gilded Age and Neoliberalism’s Theater of Cruelty,” Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations (IJPAIR), 2:1 (July-December 2008-2009). Online:

328. “Killing Children With Impunity: From Mississippi to Gaza,” Policy Futures in Education, 7:1 (2009), pp. 134-137.

329. (co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux) “Beyond Bailouts: Education after Neoliberalism,” Policy Futures in Education, 7:1 (2009), pp. 1-4.

330. “Academic Labor Under Siege: Towards a Politically Engaged Professionalism,” CUNY Graduate Center Advocate (March 2009). Online: 
331. “Neoliberalism in the New Gilded Age: Against the Biopolitics of Disposability,” Storia della Storiografia 55 (2009), pp. 159-178.

332. “Obama’s Dilemma: Post-Partisan Politics and the Crisis of American Education,” Harvard Educational Review 79-2 (Summer 2009), pp. 250-266.

333. “The Corporate Stranglehold on Education,” The Undercurrent 4:5 (October 2009), pp. 12-13.

334. “Beyond the Audacity of Educated Hope: the Promise of an Educated Citizenry,” Policy Futures in Education 7:2 (2009), pp. 271-274.

335. “Ten Years After the Columbine: the Tragedy of Youth Deepens,”Policy Futures in Education 7:3 (2009), pp. 356-361.

336. “Educating Obama: A Task to A Make Democracy Matter,” Policy Futures in Education 7:4 (2009), pp. 450-454.

337. “Democracy’s Nemesis: The Rise of the Corporate University,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 9:5 (2009), pp. 669-695.

338. “Youth and the Myth of Post-Racial Society Under Barack Obama,” Policy Futures in Education 7:5 (2009), pp. 574-577.

339. “Hard Lessons: Neoliberalism, Education and the Politics of Education,” Policy Futures in Education 7:5 (2009), pp. 570-573.

340. “The Iranian Uprisings and the Challenge of the New Media: Rethinking the New Politics of Representation,” Fast Capitalism 5:2 (2009) Online:

341. “Youth in the Empire of Consumption: Beyond the Pedagogy of Commodification,” JAC 29:4 (2009), pp. 691-756.

342. “Locked Up: The Youth Crime Complex and Education in America.” JAC 30: 1-2 (2010), pp. 11-52.
343. “Children of the Recession: Lessons from Manchild in the Promised Land,” Policy Futures in Education 7:6 (2009), pp. 679-680

344. “Judge Sonia Sotomayor and the New Racism: Getting Beyond the Politics of Denial,” Policy Futures in Education 7:6 (2009), pp. 681-684.

345. (Co-authored with Kenneth Saltman), “Obama’s Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies Vol. 9, No. 6 (2009), pp. 772-779.

346. Torturing Children: Bush’s Legacy and Democracy’s Failure,” Policy Futures in Education 8:1 (2010), pp. 142-147
347. “Zombie Politics and Other Late Modern Monstrosities in the Age of Disposability,” Policy Futures in Education 8:1 (2010), pp. 1-7.
348. “Challenging the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex after 9/11,” Policy Futures in Education 8:2 (2010), pp. 232-237.

349. “Uma Geracao Ameacador e Ameacada,” Patio Ensino Medio (June/August 2010), pp. 14-16.

350. “Bare Pedagogy and the Scourge of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Higher Education as the Practice of Freedom, The Educational Forum 74 (2010), pp184-196. Also published in in Ars Educandi [Poland] Vol. VII (May 2010), pp. 75-89.

351. “Tortured Memories and the Culture of War,” Policy Futures in Education 8:5 (2010), pp. 608-610.

352. “Stealing of Childhood Innocence–Disney and the Politics of Casino Capitalism: A Tribute to Joe Kincheloe,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 10: 5 (October 2010), pp. 413-416.

353. “Higher Education, For What?” Education in Review 37 [Portugal] (May 1010), pp 25-38. Online:

354 “Learning from Paulo Freire,” The Chronicle of Higher Education (October 22, 2010), B15-B16.

355. “Memories of Hope and the Politics of Disposability,” JAC 31:1-2 (2011), pp 102-121. “

356. “Dumbing Down Teachers: Rethinking the Crisis of Public Education and the Demise of the Social State,” Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 32 (September-December, 2010), pp. 339-381

357. “Youth in Dark Times: Broken Promises and Dashed Hopes,” Culture Machine (November 2010). Online: 
358. “Public Values, Higher Education, and the Scourge of Neoliberalism: Politics at the Limits of the Social,” Cultural Machine (November 2010). Online: 
359. “Howard Zinn: A Public Intellectual Who Mattered,” Fast Capitalism 7:2 (2010). Online:

360. “Public Intellectuals, the Politics of Clarity, and the Crisis of Language, State of Nature (Spring 2010). Online:

361. “Paulo Freire and the Crisis of the Political,” Education and Power 2:3 (2010), pages 335-340. Online: A different version of this article appeared in Henry A. Giroux, “Paulo Freire and the Courage to be Political,” Our Schools, Our Selves (20:2 (Winter 2011), pp. 153-163.

362. “Formative Culture in the Age of Imposed Forgetting,” Tikkun 26(1): p. 41.

363. “Youth in the Age of Disposabilty” Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life (February 5, 2011):

364. “The Crisis of Public Values in the Age of the New Media”, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28: 1 (2011) pp., 8-29.

365. "Shattered Bonds: Youth in a Suspect Society and the Politics of Disposability,” PowerPlay 3:1 (2011), pp. 3-20. Online at:

366. “Racialized Memories and Class Identities: Thinking About Glenn Beck’s and Rush Limbaugh’s America,” Policy Futures in Education 9:2 (2011), pp. 296-302. Online:

367. “The Disappearing Intellectual in the Age of Economic Darwinism” Policy Futures in Education 9:2 (2011). pp., 163-172. Online:
368. “Neoliberal Politics as Failed Sociality: Youth and the Crisis of Higher Education,” Logos 10:2 (2011). Online:

369. “Neoliberalism and the Death of the Social State: Remembering Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History,” Social Identities 17:4 (July 2011), pp. 587-601.

370. “The Politics of Militarization and Corporatization in Higher Education:
Beyond Armed Subjects and Commodified Knowledge,” CounterPunch. (June 29, 201). Online:

371. “‘Instants of Truth’: The “Kill Team” Photos and the Depravity of Aesthetics,” Afterimage: Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism (Summer 2011), pp. 4-8.

372.  “Higher Education Under Siege: Youth Fights Back: Higher Ed Under Siege in the Age of Casino Capitalism,” CUNY Graduate Center Advocate (April 14, 2011). Online:

373. “In Defense of Public School Teachers in a Time of Crisis,”  Itinerarios:Forum Global de Investigacao Educacional 1:1 (January 2011), pp. 20-25. Online:

 374. “Public Pedagogy and the Politics of Humiliation:  Neoliberal Generosity and the  Attack on Public Education,” 1:1 Negotiations: Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies  [India] (March 2011), pp. 39-54.

375.  Barack Obama and the Resurgent Specter of Authoritarianism,” 3:4 JAC (2011), pp. 415-440

376.  “Fighting for the Future: American Youth and the Global Struggle for Democracy,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies   11:4 (2011), pp. 328-340.

377.  “Once More, With Conviction: Defending Higher Education as a Public Good,” Qui Parle  20:1 (Fall/Winter 2011), pp. 117-135.

378. “Beyond the Limits of Neoliberal Higher Education” Campaign for the Public University (November 7, 2011). Online:

379. “Living in the Age of Imposed Amnesia: The Eclipse of Democratic Formative Culture,” Policy Futures in Education 9:5 (November 5, 2011), pp. 548-553.

380. “Business Culture and the Death of Public Education:  Mayor Bloomberg, David Steiner, and the Politics of Corporate Leadership,” Policy Futures in Education 9:5 (November 5, 2011), pp. 554-560.

381. “Higher education under siege: challenging casino capitalism’s culture of cruelty,” Open Democracy (November 27, 2011). Online: 
382. “The Politics of Ignorance: Casino Capitalism and Higher Education,” CounterPunch (October 31, 2011). Online:        

383. “Rejecting Academic Labor as a Subaltern Class: Learning from Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy,” Fast Capitalism 8:2 (2011). Online:

384. “The Post-9/11 Militarization of Higher Education and Popular Culture of Depravity: Threats to Future of American Democracy,” RISE: International Journal of the Sociology of EducationI:1(February 25, 2012), pp. 27-43.                                   385.  “Disturbing Pleasures: Murderous Images and the Aesthetics of Depravity” Third Text N0.116 (May 2012), pp. 259-273.

386.  “Beyond the Limits of Neoliberal Higher Education: Global Youth Resistance and the American British Divide,” Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology 14:3 (June 2012), pp. 233-242 [earlier version appeared in Campaign for the Public University -November 7, 2011]

387.  (co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux) “Universities Gone Wild: Big Money, Big Sports, and Scandalous Abuse at Penn State,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 12:4  (August 2012), pp. 267-273.

388. “Punishing Youth and Saturated Violence in the Era of Casino Capitalism,” CounterPunch (August 9, 2012). Online:

389. “The Quebec Strike and the Politics of a  New Social Awakening,” Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture  11:2-3 (2012). Online:   

390. “Reclaiming the Radical Imagination: Reform Beyond Electoral Politics,”                                    Tikkun (Fall 2012), pp. 49-50.

391.  (co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux) “Scandalous Politics:  Penn State and the Return of the Repressed in Higher Education,” JAC, 32:1-2, pp. 57-82.

392. “Gated Intellectuals and the Challenge of  a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy Movement,”  Policy Futures in Education 10:6, pp. 728-733.

393.  “The Scorched Earth Politics of America’s Fundamentalisms,” Policy Futures in Education 10:6, pp. 720-727.

 394. “Santorum and God’s Will: The Religonization of  Politics and the Tyranny of Totalitarianism,” Policy Futures in Education 10:6, pp. 717-719.

395. “Occupy Wall Street’s Battle against American-Style Authoritarianism,” Fast Capitalism 9:1 (2012). Online:

396. “Age of Disposability: Hurricane Sandy, Unwanted Populations and Climate Change,” Arena 122 (March 2, 2013), pp. 30-33.

397. “The Disappearance of Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Higher Education as a Public Good,” Trans-Scripts 3 (2013). Online:      398. Violence, USA: The Warfare State and the Hardening of Everyday Life, Monthly Review 65:1 (May 2013), pp. 37-54.

399. “Occupy Colleges Now: Students as the New Public Intellectuals,”  Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 13: 3 (June 3, 2013), pp. 150-153.
400. “The Occupy Movement Meets the Suicidal State: Neoliberalism and the Punishing of Dissent,” Situations :1 (Spring 2013), pp. 7-34.

401. “Racism, Popular Culture, and Public Memory,” Arena Magazine  No. 125, Aug/Sept 2013: 31-34

402.  “The Quebec Student Protest Movement and the New Social Awakening,” Social Identities 19:5 (September 2013), pp. 515-535.

 403. “A  Pedagogy of Resistance in the Age of  Casino Capitalism,” Con-Ciencia Social N0. 17 (2013), pp. 55-71.

404. “Más allá de la Máquina de la Desimaginaciónα,” Mundo Siglo XXI, Núm. 31, Vol. IX (2013), pp. 39-49    

405.  “The Disimagination Machine and the Pathologies of Power,” Symploke 21: 1-2 (2013), pp. 263-275.
406.  "Neoliberalism's War Against Teachers in Dark Times," Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies13:6 (December 2013),  pp. 458-468.

407. “La Pedagogic Critica en Tiempos Oscuros,” Praxis 7:2 (Argentina, December 2013), pp. 13-26.

408. “Defending Higher Education in the Age of Neoliberal Savagery,” Discover Society (March 6, 2014). Online:

409. “Youth in Revolt: the battle against neoliberal authoritarianism,” Critical Arts:South-North Cultural and Media Studies (New Zealand) 27:6 (2014), pp. 103-110.

410. “The Specter of Authoritarianism and the Politics of the ‘Deep State’” Ragazine.CC (March 1, 2014). Online: Also republished in Henry Giroux, “The Politics of the Deep State,” Arts & Opinion: Arts, Culture, Analysis  13:3 (2014). Online:

411. “Public Intellectualism Today: Intellectuals as the Subject and Object of Violence,” Arena Magazine No. 128 (2014), pp. 42-45

412.  “Youth and the War on Public Education in the Age of Casino Capitalism,” PowerPlay: A Journal of Educational Justice 5:2 (2013), pp. 640-668.

413. “America’s Descent into Madness,” Policy Futures in Education 12:2 (2014), pp. 237-241.

414. “Totalitarian Paranoia in the Post-Orwellian Surveillance State,” Cultural Studies (2014). Online:

415. “Protesting Youth in an Age of Neoliberal Savagery,” E-International Relations  (May 20, 2014). Online:

416. “La Esperanza en nuestra Era,” Mundo Siglo XXI, Núm. 33, Vol. IX (2014), pp. 41-41.

417. “Beyond Dystopian Education in a Neoliberal Society,” Fast Capitalism 10:1 (2013).

418. “When Schools Become Dead Zones of the Imagination: A Critical Pedagogy Manifesto,” Policy Futures in Education 12:4 (20014), pp. 491-499.

419. “Neoliberalism’s War Against the Radical Imagination,” Tikkun (Summer 2014), pp. 9-12, 59-60.                                                     
420.  “Hurricane Sandy and the Politics of Disposability in the Age of    Neoliberal Terror,” JAC (in press).

421.  “Rethinking Education as the Practice of Freedom: Paulo Freire and the Promise of Critical Pedagogy,” Policy Futures in Education (in press).

422. “Reclaiming Public Values in the Age of Casino Capitalism,” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies (in press). 

423. “The Swindle of Democracy in the Neoliberal University and the Responsibility of Intellectuals,”Democratic Theory: An Interdisciplinary Journal (in press).

424. “Between Orwell and Huxley: America’s Plunge into Dystopia,” Tidal Basin Review (in press).

425. “The Retreat of Academics as Public Intellectuals,” Cahiers de l'idiotie (in press).

426. “The Poison of Neoliberal Miseducation,” Arena Magazine  (in press).

427. (co authored with Brad Evans), “Intellectual Violence,” JAC (in press).

428. “Norway is Closer than You Think: Extremism and the Crisis of American Politics,” JAC (in press).    

429. “Noam Chomsky and the Public Intellectual in Dark Times” Fast Capitalism 11:1 (in press).

430. “Democracy in Crisis, the Specter of Authoritarianism, and the Future of Higher Education.” Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs (in press).

431.  “Austerity and the Poison of Neoliberal Miseducation,” Symploke (in press)

Chapters in Books

chapters in books

1. "Toward a New Sociology of Curriculum." In Henry Giroux, (ed.), Curriculum and Instruction, op. cit, pp. 98-108.

2. "Social Education in the Classroom: The Dynamics of the Hidden Curriculum," by Henry Giroux and Anthony Penna in Curriculum and Instruction, ibid., pp. 209-230; also published in The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education, eds. H. Giroux and D. Purpel, op.cit., pp. 100-121.

3. "Hegemony, Resistance, and the Paradox of Educational Reform." In Curriculum and Instruction, ibid., pp. 400-430.

4. "Mass Culture and the Rise of the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading." In The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education, op.cit., pp. 197-208.

5. "Critical Theory and Rationality in Citizenship Education." In The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education," op.cit., pp. 321-360.

6. "Teacher Education and the Ideology of Social Control." In The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education, op.cit., pp. 403-425.

7. "Rationality, Reproduction, and Resistance: Toward a Critical Theory of Schooling." In Scott McNall (ed.), Current Perspectives in Social Theory, 4, (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc., 1983, pp. 85-118).

8. "Ideology, Agency, and the Process of Schooling." In Len Barton and Stephen Walker (eds.), Social Crisis and Educational Research, (London: Croom-Helm, 1984), pp. 306-334.

9. "Introduction" to The Politics of Education by Paulo Freire (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1984)

10. "Preface" to Schooling as a Ritual Performance by Peter McLaren (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986).

11. "Citizenship, Public Philosophy and the Retreat from Democracy." In Edgar B. Gumbert (ed.), Civic Education in Five Countries (Atlanta: Georgia State University Press, 1987), pp. 64-86.

12. "Teacher Education as a Counter Public Sphere: Notes Toward a Redefinition" (with Peter McLaren). In Tom Popkewitz (ed.), Critical Studies in Teacher Education (Philadelphia: Falmer Press, 1987), pp. 266-297.

13. "Literacy and the Pedagogy of Political Empowerment." In Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo, Literacy: Reading the World and the Word (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1987), pp. 1-25.

14. "Teacher Education and the Politics of Engagement: The Case for Democratic Schooling" (with Peter McLaren). In M. Okazawa-Rey, J. Anderson, and R. Traver (eds.), Teaching, Teachers, and Teacher Education (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review, 1987)

15. "Critical Pedagogy and the Role of the Resisting Intellectual." In David G. Tuerck (ed.), Creativity and Liberal Learning: Problems and Possibilities in American Education (MA: Ablex Press, 1987), pp. 241-267; 278-279.

16. "Introduction" (with Paulo Freire). In David W. Livingstone and Contributors, Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Power (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1987), pp. viii-xix

17. "Introduction" (with Paulo Freire). In Kathleen Weiler, Women Teaching for Change (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1987), pp. ix-xiv.

18. "Liberal Arts, Teaching, and Critical Literacy." In William F. Pinar (ed.), Contemporary Curriculum Discourses (Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch, Scarisbrick, 1988), pp. 243-263.

19. "Introduction" (with Paulo Freire). In David Purpel, The Moral and Spiritual Crisis in Education (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1988), pp. ix-xi.

20. "Introduction" (with Paulo Freire). In Patrick Shannon, Broken Promises: Reading Instruction in Twentieth Century America (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1988), pp. ix-xii.

21. "Introduction" (with Paulo Freire). In Harvey Holtz and Associates, Education and the American Dream (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1989), pp. ix-x.

22. "Critical Theory and the Politics of Culture and Voice: Rethinking the Discourse of Educational Research." In Robert F. Sherman and Rodman B. Webb, Qualitative Research in Education: Focus and Methods (New York: Falmer Press, 1988), pp. 190-210.

23. "Schooling, Cultural Politics, and the Struggle for Democracy," (with Peter McLaren). In Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren, eds. Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle (Albany, SUNY Press, 1989), pp. xi-xxxv.

24. "Schooling as a Form of Cultural Politics: Toward a Pedagogy of and Difference." In Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren, eds. Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle (Albany, SUNY Press, 1989), pp. 125-151.

25. "Popular Culture and critical Pedagogy," (with Roger I. Simon). In Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren, eds. Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle (Albany, SUNY Press, 1989), pp. 236-252.

26. "Pedagogy, Popular Culture, and Public Life," (with Paulo Freire). In Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon, eds. Popular Culture, Schooling, & Everyday Life (Granby, Mass.: Bergin and Garvey, 1989), pp. vii-xii.

27. "Popular Culture as a Pedagogy of Pleasure and Meaning," (with Roger Simon). In Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon, eds. Popular Culture, Schooling, & Everyday Life (Granby, Mass.: Bergin and Garvey, 1989), pp. 1-30. Reprinted in Antonio Flavio Moreira e Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, eds., Curriculo, Cultura E Sociedade (Brazil: Cortez Editora, 1994), pp. 93-124.

28. "Schooling, Popular Culture, and a Pedagogy of Possibility," (with Roger Simon). In Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon, eds. Popular Culture, Schooling, & Everyday Life (Granby, Mass.: Bergin and Garvey, 1989), pp. 219-236.

29. "Rethinking Education Reform in the Age of George Bush." In Fred Schultz, ed., Education 90/91 (Guilford, Conn.: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1990), pp. 6-8.

30. "A Radical Mathematics: An Introduction." In Marilyn Frankenstein, Relearning Maths (London: Free Association Books, 1990), pp. ix-xii.

31. "Education and the Politics of Democratic Struggle: An Introduction" [with Paulo Freire]. In Svi Shapiro, Between Capitalism and Democracy (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, Press, 1990), pp. xi-xvii.

32. "The Dream of Radical Education." In Bernie Murchland, ed. Voices in American Education (Ann Arbor, MI.: Prakken, 1990), pp. 95-108. Reprinted as "The Hope of Radical Education." In Kathleen Weiler and Candace Mitchell, eds. What Schools Can Do (Albany, N. Y.: SUNY Press, 1992), pp. 13-26.

33. "Toward a Critical Psychology of Schooling: An Introduction," [with Paulo Freire]. In Edward Sullivan, Critical Psychology and Pedagogy (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, Press, 1990), pp. vii-x.
34. "Rethinking the Pedagogy of Voice, Difference, and Cultural Struggle," in Katherine Walsh, Pedagogy and the Struggle for Voice (New York: Bergin and Garvey Press, 1991), pp. xv-xxv.

35. "Language, Schooling, and Subjectivity: Beyond a Pedagogy of Reproduction and Resistance" [with Peter McLaren]. In Kathryn M. Borman, et al. (eds.), Contemporary Issues in United States Education (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing, 1991), pp. 61-83; reprinted as: Longuagem, escola e subjetividade: elementos para um discurso pedagogico critico," Educacao and Realidade 18(2) (Jul/De, 1993), pp. 21-36.

36. "Modernism, Postmodernism, and Feminism: Rethinking the Boundaries of Educational Discourse," in Henry A. Giroux, ed. Postmodernism, Feminism, and Cultural Politics: Rethinking Educational Boundaries (Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1991), pp. 1-59. Reprinted in Kostas Myrsiades, ed. Margins in the Classroom: Teaching Literature (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp. 1-51; Reprinted as "Crossing the Boundaries of Educational Discourse: Modernism, Postmodernism, and Feminism," in A.H. Halley, Hugh Lauder, Philip Brown, and Amy Stuart Wells, eds. in Education, Culture, Economy and Society (London: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 113-131.
37. "Postmodernism as Border Pedagogy: Redefining the Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity," in Henry A. Giroux, ed. Postmodernism, Feminism, and Cultural Politics: Rethinking Educational Boundaries (Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1991), pp. 217-256. Reprinted as: "Postmodernism as Border Pedagogy: Redefining the Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity," in Joseph Natoli and Linda Hutcheon, (eds.), A Postmodern Reader (Albany: SUNY Press, 1993), pp. 452-496.

38. Stanley Aronowitz and Henry A. Giroux, "Textual Authority, Culture, and the Politics of Literacy." In Michael Apple and Linda K. Christian-Smith (eds,), The Politics of the Textbook (New York: Routledge, 1991), pp. 213-241.

39. "Radical Pedagogy as Cultural Politics: Beyond the Discourse of Critique and Anti-Utopianism"(with Peter McLaren). In Donald Morton and Mas'ud 42. Zavarzadeh (eds.), Theory/Pedagogy/Politics: Texts for Change (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991), pp. 152-186. 
40. "Reading Work Education as the Practice of Theory: An Introduction." In Roger Simon, et al. Teaching Work (New York: Bergin and Garvey, 1991), pp. xiii-xvi).
41. "Literacy, Cultural Diversity, and Public Life," in The Whole Language Catalog (New York: McGraw Hill, 1991).

42. "Towards a Discourse of Leadership and Radical Democracy." In Spencer Maxcy, Educational Leadership (New York: Bergin and Garvey, 1992), pp. ix-xii.

43. "Critical Literacy and the Legacy of Marxist Discourse." In Barbara Ann Scott (ed.), The Liberal Arts in a Time of Crisis (New York: Praeger, 1991), pp. 115-126.

44. "Critical Pedagogy and the New Politics of Difference." In Bernard Murchland, ed. Higher Education and the Practice of Democratic Politics: A Political Education Reader (Dayton: Kettering Foundations, 1991), pp. 245-251.

45. "Resisting Difference: Cultural Studies and the Discourse of Critical Pedagogy." In Lawrence Grossberg, et al Cultural Studies (New York: Routledge, 1992), pp. 199-212.

46. "Liberal Arts Education and the Struggle for Public Life; Dreaming About Democracy," in Darryl J. Gless and Barbara Herrnstein Smith, (eds.), The Politics of Liberal Education Durham: Duke University Press, 1992), pp.119-144.
47. "Literacy, Difference, and the Politics of Border Crossing." In Candace Mitchell and Kathleen Weiler, eds., Rewriting Literacy (New York: Bergin and Garvey, 1992), pp. ix-xvi).

48. "Introduction" [with Peter McLaren]. In Annette Fay Street, Inside Nursing: A Critical Ethnography of Clinical Nursing Practice (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992), pp. 1-6.

49. "Education for Democracy: Foreword" (with Peter McLaren). In Jesse Goodman, Elementary Schooling for Critical Democracy (Albany, SUNY Press, 1992), pp. xi-xviii.

50. "Education, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Education: Series Forward." In David Trend, Cultural Pedagogy: Art/Politics/Theory (New York: Greenwood Press, 1992), pp. vi-x.

51. "Media Hegemony: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Representation,"(with Peter McLaren). In Susan Reilly, et al. Media Knowledge (Albany: SUNY Press, 1991), pp. xv-xxxiv.

52. "Educacao radical e intelectuais transformadores" [with Stanley Aronowitz]. In Antonio Joaguim Esteves and Stephen R. Stoer, (eds.), Sociologia Na Escola (Costa Cabral, Portugal: Edicoes Afrontemanto, 1991), pp. 143-166.
53. "Critical Pedagogy Without Illusions: Introduction to Teaching Against the Grain." In Roger Simon, Teaching Against the Grain: Essays for a Pedagogy of Possibility (New York: Greenwood Press, 1992), pp. xi-xiii.

54. "Introduction," (with Peter McLaren). In William B. Stanley, Curriculum for Utopia (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992), pp. xi-xv.

55. "Educational Visions: Reclaiming Schools for Democracy." In Joe Kincheloe, ed. Thirteen Questions: New Perspectives on American Education (New York: Peter Lang, 1992), pp. 277-284.
56. "Reclaiming the Social: Pedagogy, Resistance, and Politics in Celluloid Culture," in Jim Collins, Ava Collins, and Hilary Radner, eds. Film Theory Goes to the Movies (New York: Routledge and American Film Institute, 1993), pp. 37-55.

57. "Textual Authority and the Struggle for Voice: The Role of English Teachers as Public Intellectuals." In C. Mark Hurlbert and Samuel Totten, eds., Social Issues in the English Classroom (Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1992), pp. 304-321.

58. "Schooling, Popular Culture, and a Pedagogy of Possibility," (With Roger Simon). In Kathleen Weiler and Candace Mitchell, eds. What Schools Can Do (Albany, SUNY Press, 1992), pp. 217-236.

59. "Paulo Freire and the Politics of Post-Colonialism," in Peter McLaren and Peter Leonard, eds. Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter (New York: Routledge, 1993), pp. 177-188. Reprinted in Gary Olson and Sidney Dobrin, eds. Composition Theory for the postmodern Classroom (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994), pp. 193-204.

60. "Literacy and the Politics of Difference," in Colin Lankshear and Peter L. McLaren, eds. Critical Literacy: Politics, Praxis, and the Postmodern (Albany: SUNY, 1993), pp. 367-377.

61. "Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Performance," in Clar Doyle, Raising Curtains on Education (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1993), pp. ix-xi.

62. "Border Identities and the Practice of Freedom," in Tomasz Szkudlarek, The Problem of Freedom (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1993), pp. vii-x.

63. "Discomforting Differences and Cultural Democracy: Community and Politics in Higher Education," in William Tierney, Building Communities of Difference: Higher Education in the 21st Century (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1993), pp. ix-xii.
64. "Educational Leadership and School Administrators: Rethinking the Meaning of Democratic Public Culture," in Tom Mulkeen and Nelda Cambron-McCabe, eds. Democratic Leadership (New Jersey: Ablex Publishing, 1994), pp. 31-47.

65. "Benetton's `World Without Borders': Buying Social Change," in Carol Becker, ed., The Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society, and Social Responsibility (New York: Routledge, 1994), pp. 187-207.

66. "Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics, and the Discourse of Experience," in Dianne Vipond and Ronald Strahl, eds. Literacy: Language and Power (Long Beach: California State University Press, 1994), pp. 190-211.

67. "Academics as Public Intellectuals: Rethinking Classroom Politics," in Jeff Williams, ed., PC Wars: Politics and Theory in the Academy (New York: Routledge, 1995), pp. 294-307.

68. "Beyond the Ivory Tower: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis in Higher Education," in Michael Berube and Cary Nelson, eds. Higher Education Under Fire (New York: Routledge, 1995), pp. 238-258.
69. "Teachers as Public Intellectuals," in Alan Ornstein, ed. Teaching: Theory and Practice (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995), pp. 372-384. 
70. "Insurgent Multiculturalism and the Promise of Pedagogy," in David Theo Goldberg, ed. Multiculturalism: A Reader (Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1994), pp. 325-343.

71. "Schooling, Culture, and Literacy in the Age of Broken Dreams," (with Stanley Aronowitz); in Lance W. Roberts and Rodney a. Clifton, eds. Contemporary Canadian Educational Issues (Toronto and Boston: Nelson Canada, 1995), pp. 26-41.
72. "Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity," in Peter L. McLaren and James M. Giarelli, eds. Critical Theory and Educational Research (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995), pp. 23-38.

73. "Postmodern Education and the Politics of the Backlash," in Michael Peters, ed. Education and the Postmodern Condition (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1995), pp. v-xi.
74. "Beyond the Language of Educational Reform,"in Guy Senese, Simulation, Spectacle, and the Ironies of Educational Reform (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1995), pp. x-xv. 
75. "Educational Reform with No Apologies," in David Purpel and Svi Shapiro, Beyond Excellence and Liberation (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1995), pp. ix-xii.

76. "Who Writes in a Cultural Studies Class? or, Where is the Pedagogy?" in Karen Fitts and Alan W. France, eds. Cultural Studies and Composition Pedagogy (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995), pp. 3-16.

77. "Writing the Space of the Public Intellectual," in Gary Olson and Elizabeth Hirsh, eds. Women Writing Culture (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995), pp. 195-198.
78. Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren, "Por Uma Pedagogia Critica Da Representacao," in Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva and Antonio Flavio Moreira, eds. Territorios Contestados (Brazil: Vozes, 1995), pp. 144-158. 
78. "Innocence and Pedagogy in Disney's World," in Elizabeth Bell, Lynda Haas, Laura Sells, eds. From Mouse to Mermaid (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), pp. 43-61.
79. "Borderline Artists, Cultural Workers, and the Crisis of Democracy," in Carol Becker and Ann Wiens, eds. The Artist in Society: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities (Chicago: New Arts Examiner Press, 1995), pp. 4-14.

80. "White Panic," in Chip Berlet, ed. Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash (Boston: South End Press, 1995), pp. 182-185 
81. "Pedagogy and Radical Democracy in the Age of `Political Correctness'" in David Trend, ed. Radical Democracy (New York: Routledge, 1996), pp. 179-193.

82. "Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy," in Pepi Leistyna, Arlie Woodrum, and Stephen A. Sherblom, eds. Breaking Free: The Transformative Power of Critical Pedagogy (Cambridge: Harvard Educational Review, 1996), pp. 83-107.

83. "Teacher Education and the Politics of Engagement: The Case for Democratic Schooling," in Pepi Leistyna, Arlie Woodrum, and Stephen A. Sherblom, eds. Breaking Free: The Transformative Power of Critical Pedagogy (Cambridge: Harvard Educational Review, 1996), pp. 301-331.

84. "Race, Public Intellectuals, and The Bell Curve Debate: The Crisis of Democratic Vision" (with Susan Searls), in Joe Kincheloe and Shirley Stienberg, eds. Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996), pp. 71-90.

85. "Contending Zones and Public Spaces," in Carol Becker, Zones of Contention (Albany: SUNY Press, 1996), pp. ix-xii.

86. "Towards a Postmodern Pedagogy," in Lawrence E. Cahoone, From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology (Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1996), pp. 687-697.

87. "Are Disney's Films Good for Your Kids," in Joe Kincheloe and Shirley Stienberg, eds. KinderCulture (Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997), pp. 53-67. 
88. "Doing Cultural Studies in Colleges of Education," in Joyce Canaan and Debbie Epstein, eds. A Question of Discipline: Pedagogy, Power, and the Teaching of Cultural Studies (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1997), pp. 27-41.

89. "Racial Politics and the Pedagogy of Whiteness' in Mike Hill, ed. Whiteness: A Critical Reader (New York: New York University Press, 1997), pp. 294-315.
90. "Paulo Freire, Postmodernism, and the Utopian Imagination: A Blochian Reading," [with Peter McLaren] in Jamie Owen Daniel and Tom Moylan, eds. Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch (London and New York: Verso, 1997), pp. 138-162.
91. "Black, Bruised, and Read All Over: Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Race," in Amatava Kumar, ed. Class Issues: Pedagogy, Cultural Studies and the Public Sphere (New York: New York University Press, 1997), pp. 179-195.
92. "Cultural Studies and Education as a Performative Practice: Towards an Introduction," in Henry A Giroux and Patrick Shannon, eds. Education and Cultural Studies: Toward a Performative Practice (New York: Routledge, 1997), pp. 1-9.
93. "Interview with Henry A. Giroux," in Carlos Alberto Torres, ed. Education, Power, and Personal Biography: Dialogues With Critical Educators (New York: Routledge, 1998). pp. 129-157.

94. "Culture, Power, and Transformation in the Work of Paulo Freire," [reprint] in Fred Schultz, Sources (New York: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 1998), pp. 43-52.

95. "Education in Unsettling Times: Public Intellectuals and the Promise of Cultural Studies," in Dennis Carlson and Michael Apple, eds. Critical Educational Theory in Unsettling Times (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998), pp. 41-60.
96. "Critical Pedagogy as Performative Practice: Memories of Whiteness," in Carlos Torres, ed. Sociology of Education: Emerging Perspectives (Albany: SUNY Press, 1998), pp. 143-154.

97. "Youth, Memory Work and the Racial Politics of Whiteness," in Joe Kincheloe, et al. eds., White Reign: Deploying Whiteness in America (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998), pp. 123-136.

98. "Teen-age Sexuality, Body Politics, and the Pedagogy of Display," in Jon Epstein and Simon Prosser, eds. Youth, Youth Culture, and Identity (Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1998), pp. 24-55.

99. "The Politics of National Identity and Multiculturalism in the United States," in David Bennett, ed. Multicultural States (New York: Routledge, 1998), pp. 178-194.

100. "Teaching for Social Justice," in William Ayers, Jean Ann Hung, and Theresa Quinn, eds. Teaching for Social Justice (New York: New Press and Teachers College Press, 1998), pp. 290-291.

101. "Stealing Innocence: The Politics of Child Beauty Pageants," in Henry Jenkins, ed. The Children's Culture Reader (New York: New York University Press, 1998), pp. 265-282.
102. "Critical Pedagogy and the Project of Exemplary Prophecy," in Pepi Leistyna, Presence of Mind (Boulder: Westview Press, 1999), pp. vii-xv. 
103. "Performing Cultural Studies as a Pedagogical Practice," in David Slayden, ed. Soundbite Culture: The Death of Discourse in a Wired World (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing, 1999), pp. 191-202.

104. "Rewriting the Discourse of Racial Identity: Toward a Pedagogy and Politics of Whiteness," in Christine Clark and James O' Donnell, eds., Become and Unbecoming White (Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 1999), pp. 224-252.
105. "Dialectics and the Development of Curriculum Theory," in William F. Pinar, ed. Contemporary Curriculum Discourses (New York: Peter Lang, 1999), pp. 7-23.

106. "Pedagogia critica como proyecto de profecia ejemplar: cultura y politica," in Francisco Imbernon, ed. La Educacion En El Siglo XX1: Los Retos Del Futuro Inmediato (Barcelona, Spain: Grao, 1999), pp. 53-62. Published in Portuguese as “Pedagogia criica como projeto de profecia exemplar: cultura e politica no novo milenio,” in Francisco Imbernon, ed. A Educacao No Seculo XXI: Os Desafios Dofuturo Imediato (Porte Alegre, Artmed Editora, 2000), pp. 65-76.

107. "Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy," [reprint] in Michael Peters, ed. After the Disciplines: The Emergence of Cultural Studies (Westport: Bergin and Garvey, 1999), pp. 229-266
108. "Where Have All the Public Intellectuals Gone? Racial Politics, Pedagogy, and Disposable Youth," in James Marshall and Michael Peters, eds. Education Policy: The International Library of Comparative Public Policy 12 (Northampton, MA: Edward Algar Publishing 1999), pp. 549-563.

109. "Insurgent Multiculturalism: A Dialogue with Henry Giroux," in Donaldo Macedo and Lilia L. Bartolome, Dancing With Bigotry: Beyond the Politics of Tolerance (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), pp. 93-117.
110. "The War Against Cultural Politics: Beyond Conservative and Neo-Enlightenment Left `Oppositions': A Critique," in Carlos J. Ovando & Peter McLaren, eds. The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Cross-Fire (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000), pp. 50-61.

111. "Postmodern Education in the Age of Border Youth," in Tom Carmichael and Allison Lee, eds. Postmodern Times: A Critical Guide to the Contemporary (Urbana: Northern Illinois University Press, 2000), pp. 67-91.
112. “Are Disney Movies Good for Your Kids,” (Reprint) in Lourdes Diaz Soto, ed., The Politics of Early Education (New York: Peter Lang, 2000), pp. 99-114.
113. "Postmodern Education and Disposable Youth," in Peter Pericles Trifonas, ed., Revolutionary Pedagogies: Cultural Politics, Instituting Education, and the Discourse of Theory (New York: Routledge/Falmer, 2000), pp. 174-195.

114. "Public Pedagogy as Cultural Politics: Stuart Hall and the Crisis of Culture," in Paul Gilroy, Lawrence Grossberg, and Angela McRobbie, eds. Without Guarantees: In Honor of Stuart Hall (London: Verso, 2000), pp. 134-147.

115. “Representations of Violence, Popular Culture, and Demonization of Youth,” in Stephanie Urso Spina, ed. Smoke and Mirrors: the Hidden Context of Violence in Schools and Society (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000), pp. 93-106.

116. “Disposable Youth/Disposable Futures: The Crisis of Politics and Public Life,” in Neil Campbell, ed. American Youth Cultures (Trowbridge, United Kingdom: The Cromwell Press, 2000, 2004), pp. 71-87.

117. “Democratic Education and Popular Culture,” in David W. Hirsh and E. Wayne Ross, eds. Democratic Social Education: Social Studies for Social Change (New York: Falmer Press, 2000), pp.85-96.

118. "Counter Public Spheres and the Role of Educators as Public Intellectuals: Paulo Freire's Cultural Politics," in Mike Hill, et al, eds. Masses, Classes, and the Public Sphere (New York: Verso Press, 2000), pp. 251-268)

119. “Recordando o legato da Pedagogia do Oprimido,” in Ana Maria Araujo Freire, ed. A Pedagogia Da Libertacao Em Paulo Freire (Brasil: Editora de UNESP, 2000), pp. 113-118.
120. "English Only and the Crisis of Memory, Culture, and Democracy," in Roseann Duenas Gonzalez and Ildiko Milis, eds. Language Ideologies: Critical Perspectives on the Official English Movement, Volume 2 (Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2000), pp. ix-xviii.
121. “Critical Education or Training: Beyond the Commodification of Higher Education,” in Henry A. Giroux and Kostas Myrsiades, eds. Beyond the Corporate University: Culture and Pedagogy in the New Millennium (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001), pp. 1-12

122. “Vocationalizing Higher Education: Schooling and the Politics of Corporate Culture,” in Henry A. Giroux and Kostas Myrsiades, eds. Beyond the Corporate University: Culture and Pedagogy in the New Millennium (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001), pp. 29-44.

123. “The Culture of Violence and the Politics of Colorful Sweaters: Benetton’s `World Without Borders’.” in James Bradburne, ed. Blood: Art, Power, Politics, and Pathology, (Munich, Germany: Prestel, 2002), pp. 217-229.
124. “Ikea Boy Fights Back: Fight Club, Consumerism, and the Political Limits of Nineties Cinema” (with Imre Szeman) in Jon Lewis, ed. The End of Cinema As We Know It (New York: NYU Press, 2001), pp. 95-104.

125. "Public Intellectuals, Race, and Public Space," in John Solomos and David Theo Goldberg, eds. Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies (Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell, 2002), pp. 383-404.

126. “Body Politics and the Pedagogy of Display: Youth Under Siege,” in Sherry Shapiro and Svi Shapiro, eds. Body Movements: Pedagogy, Politics, and Social Change (Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 2002), pp. 45-73.
127. “The War on the Young: Corporate Culture, Schooling, and the Politics of `Zero Tolerance’,” in Ronald Strickland, ed., Growing Up Postmodern: Neoliberalism and the War on the Young (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002), pp. 35-46.
128. “Critical Learning and the Promise of Democracy: Introduction,” in Bil Johnson, The Student-Centered Secondary Classroom Handbook (Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education Press, 2002), pp. xv-xix.

129. "Schools for Sale: Public Education, Corporate Culture, and the Citizen-Consumer," in Alfie Kohn and Patrick Shannon, Eds. Education, Inc.: Turning Learning into a Business (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2002), pp. 105-118.

130. "Rethinking Cultural Politics and Radical Pedagogy in the Work of Antonio Gramsci," in Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg, and Peter Mayo, eds. Gramsci and Education (Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002), pp. 41-65

131. “Selling Children Out: Public Schooling and the Commercial Carpet Bombing of Youth,” in Gail Dines, ed. Gender, Race and Class in Media (New York: Sage, 2003), pp. 171-175.

132. “Democracy, Schooling and the Culture of Fear after September 11,” in Kenneth Saltman and David Gabbard, eds. Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools (New York: Routledge, 2003), pp. ix-xxiii.

133. “Pedagogies of Difference and Representation: Film as a Site of Translation and Politics,” in Peter Pericles Trifonas, ed., Pedagogies of Difference (New York: Routledge/Falmer, 2003), pp. 83-109.

134. “Terrorism and the Fate of Democracy After September 11th,” in Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds. 9/11 In American Culture (New York: Altamira Press, 2003), pp. 4-8.

135. “Democracy and the Politics of Terrorism: Community, fear, and the Suppression of Dissent,” in Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds. 9/11 In American Culture (New York: Altamira Press, 2003), pp. 244-251.

136 “Educated Hope, Critical Pedagogy, and the Politics of Neoliberalism,” in Lesley Burgess and Nicholas Addison, eds. Issues in Art Design and Teaching (London: Routledge Falmer, 2003), pp. 167-177.
137. “The Ghost World of Neoliberalism: Abandoning the Abandoned Generation,” in Murray Pomerance, ed, BAD: Infamy, Darkness, Evil, and Slime on Screen (Albany: SUNY Press, 2003), pp. 109-123.

138. “Pedagogy of the Depressed: Beyond The Politics of the New Cynicism,” Michael Peters, Colin Lankshear, and Mark Olssen, eds. Critical Theory and the Human Condition (New York: Lang Publishing, 2003), pp. Pp. 143-168

139. “Henry Giroux on Writing,” in Gary Olson and Lynn Worsham, eds. Critical Intellectuals on Writing (Albany: SUNY Press, 2003), pp. 99-103.

140. “Take Back Public Education: A Task for Intellectuals in a Time of Crisis,”[with Susan Searls Giroux] in Donovan R. Walling, ed. Public Education, Democracy, and the Common Good (Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa International, 2004), pp. 69-80

141. “War Talk and the Shredding of the Social Contract: Youth and the Politics of Domestic Militarization,” in Peter McLaren and Gustavo Fischman, eds. Critical Theories, Radical Pedagogies, and Global Conflicts (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005), pp. 52-68.

142. “Globalizing Dissent and Radicalizing Democracy: Politics, Pedagogy, and the Responsibility of Critical Intellectuals,” in Laura Gray-Rosendale, ed. Radical Relevance: Toward a Scholarship of the Whole Left (Albany: SUNY Press, 2005), pp. 141-159.

143. “Terrorism and the Culture of Permanent War: Democracy Under Siege,” in Michael Peters, ed. Education, Globalization, and the State in the Age of Terrorism (Boulder: Paradigm Press, 2005), pp. 179-199. 
144. “Shredding the Social Contract: America’s War Against Children,” in Peter Trifonas, ed. Communities of Difference (New York: Palgrave, 2005), pp 3-26.

145. “The Politics of Public Pedagogy,” in Jeffrey Di Leo, et al. eds., If Classrooms Matter: Place, Pedagogy and Politics (New York: Routledge, 2005), pp. 15-36.

146. “ The Abandoned Genration: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear,” in Donald Lazere, ed., Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy: The Critical Citizen’s Guide to Argumentative Rhetoric (Boulder: Paradigm Press, 2005), pp. 25-28.

147. "Nymphet Fantasies: Child Beauty Pageants and the Politics of Innocence," in Enora R. Brown and Kenneth J. Saltman, eds. The Critical Middle School Reader (New York: Routledge, 2005), pp. 131-148.

148. “Spectacles of Race and Pedagogies of Denial: Antiblack Racist Pedagogy,” in Donaldo Macedo and Panayota Gounari, eds. The Globalization of Racism (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2006), pp. 68-98.

149. “Foreward” Sut Jhally, The Spectacle of Accumulation: Essays in Culture, Media, and Politics (New York: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. v-xv.

150. “Dystopian Nightmares and Educated Hopes: The return of the Pedagogical and the Promise of Democracy,” in Michael Peters and John Freeman-Moir, eds. Edutopias: New Utopian Thinking in Education (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2006), pp. 43-62

151. “Radical Pedagogy and the Politics of Neoliberalism,” in Arif Dirlik, ed. Pedagogies of the Global (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2006, pp. 59-75.

152. “Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club, Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculine Violence,” in C. Kay Weaver and Cynthia Carter, Critical Readings: Violence and the Media (New York: Open University Press, 2006), pp. 95-107.

153. Co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux, “On Seeing and Not Seeing Race: “Crash” and the Politics of Bad Faith,”in Murray Pomerance and John Sakeris, eds., Popping Culture, 4th ed. (Boston: Pearson Education, 2006), pp. 241-256.

154. Co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux, “Critical Pedagogy in Action,” in Lee Artz, Steve Macek, & Dana Cloud, Eds. Marxism and Communication Studies: The Point Is to Change It. (New York: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. 203-216.

155. Co-authored with Stanley Aronowitz, “The Corporate University and the Politics of Education,” in Michael Boylan, ed. The Ethics of Teaching (Hants, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2006), pp. 95-102.

156. Henry A. Giroux, “Christian Fundamentalism Threatens Democracy in the United States,” in Mike Wilson, ed. World Religion (New York: Greenhaven Press, 2006), pp.170-176

157. “Higher Education and Democracy’s Promise: Jacques Derrida’s Pedagogy of Uncertainty,” in Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters, eds., Deconstructing Derrida: Tasks for the New Humanities (New York: Palgrave, 2006), pp. 53-81.

158. “Cultural Studies as Performative Practice,” in Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina, eds. Contesting Empire/Globalizing Dissent (Boulder: Paradigm, 2007), pp. 213-230.

159. “Utopian Thinking in Dangerous Times: Critical Pedagogy and the Project of Educated Hope,” in Mark Cote, Richard Day, and Greig de Peuter, eds, Utopian Pedagogy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007), pp. 25-42.

160. “Democracy, Education, and the Politics of Critical Pedagogy,” in Peter McLaren and Joe Kincheloe, eds., Critical Pedagogy: Where are we now? (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007), pp. 1-5.

161. “Drowning Democracy: The Media, Neoliberalism and the Politics of Hurricane Katrina,” in Donaldo Macedo and Shirley Steinberg, eds. Media Literacy: A Reader (New York: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 229-241. 
162. “Hurricane Katrina and the Politics of Disposability: Floating Bodies and Expendable Populations,” in Ken Saltman, ed., Schooling and the Politics of Disaster (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 43-69.

163. “Foreword: When the Darkness Comes and Hope is Subversive,” in Gary Olson and Lynn Worsham, eds., The Politics of Possibility: Encountering the Radical Imagination (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2007), pp. vii-xiii

164. “Militarization, Public Pedagogy, and the Biopolitics of Popular Culture,” in Henry A. Giroux, Nicholas C. Burbules, Diana Silberman Keller, and Zvi Bekerman, Eds., Mirror Images: Popular Culture and Education (New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2008), pp. 39-54.

165. “Disabling Democracy: The Crisis of Youth, Education, and the Politics of Disposability,” in Canadian Teachers’ Federation, Ed., Education for Social Justice (Ottawa: Canadian Teachers’ Federation, 2008), pp.131-140.

166. Co-authored with Susan Searls Giroux, “Challenging Neoliberalism’s New World Order: The Promise of Critical Pedagogy,” in Norman Denzin, Yvonna Lincoln, and Linda Tuhiwai Smith, eds. Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies (Los Angeles: Sage, 2008), pp. 181-189.

167. “Militarized Knowledge and Armed Subjects: Higher Education in the Shadow of the National Security State,” in Tone Kvernbekk, Harold Simpson, and Michael A. Peters, eds. Military Pedagogies and Why They Matter (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2008), pp. 159-174.

168. “Youth and the Politics of Education in Dark Times,” in Peter Trifonas, ed., Worlds of Difference: Rethinking the Ethics of Global Education for the 21st Century (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2008), pp. 199-216

169. “Disabling the Future: The Assault on Higher Education and American Youth,” in Shannon A. Moore and Richard C. Mitchell, eds. Power, Power, and Praxis: Social Justice in the Globalized Classroom (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2008), pp. 55-72.

170. “Neoliberalism, Youth, and the Leasing of Higher Education,” in Dave Hill and Ravi Kumanl, eds., Global Neoliberalism and Education and Its Consequences (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 30-53.

171. “Militarizing Higher Education: Resisting the Pedagogy of Violence,” in John F. Schostak and Jill Schostak, eds. Researching Violence, Democracy and the Rights of People (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 196-209.

172. “Expendable Futures: Dirty Democracy and the Politics of Disposability,” in Svi Shapiro, ed., Our Children's World: New Visions for Education in the 21st Century (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 223-240.

173. “Cultural Studies, Critical Pedagogy, and the Politics of Higher Education,” in Rhonda Hammer and Douglas Kellner, eds. Media/Cultural Studies: Critical Approaches (New York: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 88-106.

174. “End Times in America: Religious Fundamentalism and the Crisis of Democracy,” in Shirley Steinberg and Joe Kincheloe, eds. Christotainment: Selling Jesus Through Popular Culture (Boulder: Westview Press, 2009), pp. 269-281.

175. “Border Crossings,” in Tim Prentki and Sheila Preston, eds. The Applied Theatre Reader (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 254-260.

176. “La passion de la derecha: el fundamentalismo religioso y la democracia,” in Bernardo Haour, S.J., ed. Anuario de Ciencias de la Religion 2007 (Lima, Peru: Biblioech Nacional del Peru N, 2008)–appeared in 2009, pp. 287-294.
177. “Higher Education Without Democracy?” in Gary Olson and John Presley, eds. The Future of Higher Education (Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2009), pp. 53-62.

178. “Memory’s Hope: In the Shadow of Paulo Freire’s Presence,” in Anna Marie Freire, ed., Pedagogy of Solidarity (Sao Paulo: Editora Villa ds Letras, 2009), pp. 11-17.

179. “The Attack on Higher Education and the Necessity for Critical Pedagogy” in Sheila Macrine, ed., Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times: Hopes and Possibilities (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009), pp. 11-26.

180. Militarized Knowledge and Academic Soldiers: Arming the University,” in Mathew Morgan, ed., The Impact of 9/11 on Politics and War (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 203-222.

181. “Dirty Democracy and the New Authoritarianism in the United States,” in Arnold H. Itwaru, ed. The White Supremacist State (Toronto: Other Eye Press, 2009), pp.157-184.

182. “The Biopolitics of Disposability,” in Uli Linke and Danielle Taana Smith, eds. Cultures of Fear (New York: Pluto Press, 2009), pp. 304-312.

183. “Turning America into a Toy Store,” in Jennifer A. Sandlin and Peter McLaren, eds. Critical Pedagogies of Consumption (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 249-258.

184. “Beyond the Corporate Takeover of Higher Education: Rethinking Educational Theory, Pedagogy, and Policy,” in Maarten Simons, Mark Olssen, and Michael Peters, eds. Re-reading Educational Policy: Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st century? (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2009), pp. 458-477.

185. “Living in a Culture of Cruelty: Democracy as Spectacle,” in Alison Alexander and Jarice Hanson, eds Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11th edition (New York: McGraw Hill, 2009), pp. 258-263.

186. “Neoliberalism as Public Pedagogy,” in Jennifer Sandlin, Brian Schultz, and Jane Burdick, eds. Handbook of Public Pedagogy (New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 486-99.

187. “Higher Education after September 11th: The Crisis of Academic Freedom and Democracy,” in Anthony J. Nocella, II, Steven Best, and Peter McLaren, eds. Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex (Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2010), pp. 92-111.

188. “Black, Blue, and Read All Over: Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Race,” in Shirley R. Steinberg and Lindsay Cornish, eds. Taboo: Essays on Culture and Education (New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2010), pp 75-92.

189. "Higher Education: Reclaiming the University as a Democratic Public Sphere," in Mark Major, ed. Where Do We Go From Here?: Politics and the Renewal of the Radical Imagination (Boulder: Lexington Books, 2010), pp. 71-83.

190. “The U.S. University Under Siege: Confronting Academic Unfreedom,” in John Carlos Rowe, ed. A Concise Companion to American Studies (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp. 407-431.

191. “Democracy’s Promise and the Politics of Worldliness in the Age of Terror,” in Sophia McClennen and Henry James Morello, eds., Representing Humanity in the Age of Terror (West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 2010), pp. 17-35.

192. “Governing Through Crime and the Pedagogy of Punishment,” in Kenneth Saltman and David Gabbard, eds. Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools, 2nd Edition (New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. vii-xvi.

193. “Neoliberalism, Pedagogy, and Cultural Politics: Beyond the Theatre of Cruelty,” in Zeus Leonardo, ed. Handbook of Cultural Politics and Education (New York: Sense Publishers, 2010), pp. 49-70.

193. “Paulo Freire and the Politics of Postcolonialism” [reprint]. In Arlo Kempf, ed. Breaching the Colonial Contract: Anti-Colonialism (New York: Springer, 2010), pp. 79-90.

194. “From Auschwitz to Abu Ghraib: Rethinking Adorno’s Politics of Education,” in Cynthia Fuchs and Joe Lockard, eds. Iraq War Cultures (New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2011), pp. 181-199.

195. “Teenage Sexuality, Body Politics and the Pedagogy of Display,” in Dennis Carlson and Donyell L. Roseboro, eds. The Sexuality Curriculum and Youth Culture (New York: Peter Lang, 2011), pp. 189-216.

196. “Beyond the Swindle of the Corporate University,” in Michael Bailey and Des Freedman, eds. The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. (London: Pluto Press, 2011), pp.145-156.

197. “Dark Times: George W. Bush, Obama and the Specter of Authoritarianism in American Politics," in Don Ambrose and Robert J. Sternberg, eds. How Dogmatic Beliefs Harm Creativity and High-Level Thinking (New York: Routledge, 2012), pp. 94-111.

198. “Heroin Chic, Trendy Aesthetics, and the Politics of Pathology,” in Terri Griffith, Kathryn Born, and Janet Koplos, eds. The Essential New Art Examiner (Deklab. Illinois: NIU Press, 2011), pp. 265-279.

199. “Collaterally Damaged: Youth in a Post-9/11 World,” in Bill Ashcroft, Ranjini Mendis, Julie McGonegal, and Arun Mukherjee, Eds.  Literature for Our Times : Postcolonial Studies in the Twenty-First Century (New York: Rodopi, 2012), pp. 591-617.
200. “Why Faculty Should Join Occupy Movement Protestors on College Campuses,” in Norman K. Denzin and Michael d. Giardina, eds. Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Advocacy (Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2012), pp. 245-252.

201. “Everyday Violence, Screen Culture, and the Politics of Cruelty: Entertaining Democracy’s Demise,” in Richard Begin, Bernard Perron, and Lucie Roy, eds. Figures de Violence (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012), pp. 15-22.

202. “War Colleges,” in Jeffrey St. Clair Joshua Frank, eds.  Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (Oakland, Ca.: AKPress, 2012), pp.223-230.

203. “Democracy: Reconnecting the Personal and the Political in Danilo R. Streck, Euclides Redin, and Jaime Jose Zitkoski, eds., Paulo Freire Encyclopedia (Boulder, Rowman and Littlefield, 2012), pp. 93-96.

204. “Twilight of the Social: Civic Values in the Age of Casino Capitalism” in Donald W. Harward, ed., Civic Values, Civic Practices (Washington, D.C. Bringing Theory into Practice, 2013), pp. 13-17.

205.  “Can Democratic Education Survive in a Neoliberal Society” in Charles Reitz, ed. Crisis and Commonwealth: Marcuse, Marx, McLaren (Boulder: Lexington Books, 2013), pp. 137-152.

206. “Memories of Class and Youth in the Age of Disposability,” in Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz, eds., Living with Class: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and material Culture (New York: Palgrave, 2013), pp. 203-218.

207.  “Faculty Should Join with Occupy Movement Protesters,” in Anthony J. Nocella II and David Gabbard, eds., Policing the Campus: Academic Repression, Surveillance, andthe Occupy Movement (New York, Peter Lang, 2013), pp.201-208.

208. “Prologue: The Fruit of Freire’s Roots,” in Robert Lake and Tricia Kress, eds.,  Paulo Freire’s Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis (New York: Bloomsbury, 2013), pp. viii-xxi.

209. “Public Intellectuals Against the Neoliberal University,” in Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina, eds., Qualitative Inquiry Outside of the University (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc., 2014), pp. 35-60.

210. “Memory’s Hope: In the Shadow of Paulo Freire’s Presence,” in Paulo Freire, Ana Maria Araujo Freire, and Walter de Oliveira, eds., Pedagogy of Solidarity (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc., 2014), pp. 7-12.

211. “Punishment Creep and the Crisis of Youth,” in Anthony J. Nocella II, Priya Parmar, and David Stovall, eds. From Education to Incarceration (New York: Peter Lang, 2014), pp. 69-85.

212. “Disposable Youth in America in the Age of Neoliberal Terror.” In James Wright, Editor in Chief. The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition, (Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, in press).

Edited Books

Edited books

1. Curriculum and Instruction: Alternatives in Education,
eds. Henry A. Giroux, A. Penna, and W. Pinar
McCutchan Publishing [1981]

2. The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education
eds. Henry A. Giroux and David Purpel
McCutchan Publishing [1983]

3. Critical Pedagogy, the State, and the Struggle for Culture
eds. Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren,
State University Press of New York [1989]

4. Popular Culture, Schooling & Everyday Life
eds. Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon
Bergin and Garvey Publishers [1989]

5. Postmodernism, Feminism and Cultural Politics: Rethinking Educational Boundaries
ed. Henry A. Giroux
State University of New York Press [1991]

6. Between Borders: Pedagogy and Politics in Cultural Studies 

eds. Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren
Routledge [1994]

7. Cultural Studies and Education: Towards a Performative Practice
eds. Henry A. Giroux and Patrick Shannon
Routledge [1997]

8. Beyond the Corporate University: Pedagogy, Culture, and Literary Studies in the New Millennium 

eds. Henry A. Giroux and Kostas Myrsiades
Rowman and Littlefield [2001]

9. Mirror Images: Popular Culture and Education
Eds., Henry A. Giroux, Nicholas C. Burbules, Diana Silberman Keller, and Zvi Bekerman
Peter Lang [2008]



1. Educational Leadership and the Crisis of Democratic Culture (University Park, PA: University Council of Educational Administration, 1992).

2. Corporate Culture and the Attack on Higher Education and Public Schooling (Phi Delta Kappa International Fastback 1999).

3. Proto-Fascism in America: Neoliberalism and the Demise of Democracy (Phi Delta Kappa International Fastback 2004).

4. Tempo Publico e Esperanca Educada: Lideranca Educacional e a Guerra contra os Jovens (Mangualde, Portugal: Edicoes Pedago, 2007)

Edited Journals (Special Issues)

1. "On the Politics of Education," A Special issue of Social Practice. Guest Editor. (Spring, 1980).

2. "Ideology, Culture and the Hidden Curriculum," Special Issue of the Journal of Education, 162(1), Guest Editor, Winter, 1980.

3. "Critical Pedagogy and Popular Culture," Special Issue of Curriculum and Teaching [Australia], 3(1), Guest Editor with Roger Simon, 1988.

4. "Schooling in the Age of Postmodernism." Guest Editor, Boston University Journal of Education, (August, 1989).

5. "Cultural Studies and Critical Pedagogy," Special Issue of Cultural Studies. Guest Editor with Peter McLaren, January, 1993.

6. "The Profession of Literature at the End of the Millennium," Special Issue of College Literature. Guest Editor with Kostas Myrsiades, Fall 1999.

7. “The Assault on the Universities,” Special Issue of College Literature. Guest Editor with Susan Searls Giroux, Fall 2006.

edited journals (special issues)



Honorary Doctorate from UWS Hamilton and address by Prof Henry Giroux - Graduation, 4th July 2017

Henry Giroux: “Collective opposition is no longer an option, it’s a necessity” | By Erica Balch, McMaster Daily News | March 3, 2017

Winner of the third place for the book Education and the Public Sphere in 
the poll for IMPULS Publishing House Best Book of Education 2010/2011

American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Critics' Choice Award for The University in Chains: Confronting the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex,November 2008.

Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree presented by Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundlandan, on Thursday, May 26 2005.

McMaster faculty honored by peers, April 14, 2005.

Global Television Network Chair in Communication Studies at McMaster University 2005.

Barstow Visiting Scholar Award for 2003 at Saginaw Valley State University.

Named as one of the top fifty educational thinkers of the modern period in Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education: From Piaget to the Present as part of Routledge’s ey Guides Publication Series (2002)

Presented by the Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition at the Conference on College Composition and Communication Chicago in March 2002

James L. Kinneavy Award for the most outstanding article published in JAC in 2001.

Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professorship Award for 2001 at McMaster University 

Winner of a Getty Research Institute Visiting Scholar Award for May-June, 2000.

Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Art Education

The School of the Art Institute in Chicago
July-August 1998, 1999

Selected to the Laureate Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi
January 1998

Fugitive Cultures named by the American Educational Studies Association as a 1996
AESA Critics' Choice Award

Living Dangerously: Multiculturism and the Politics of Culture named as the "Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in North America" by Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights, December 10, 1995

Tokyo Metropolitan University Fellowship for Research
August 1995

Distinguished Visiting Asa S. Knowles Chair Professorship, Northeastern University,
June-August 1995

Visiting Professor, Graduate Summer Institute on Language, Culture, and Schooling, McGill University, July 1994.

The Marshall Fishwick Award for the Best Article on Popular Culture for 1993.
Awarded by The Popular Culture Association at Bowling Green University.

Waterbury Chair in Secondary Education

Endowed Professorship at Pennsylvania State University, 1992 to 2004

Visiting Distinguished Professor, University of San Francisco, July-August, 1990

Schooling and the Struggle for Public Life named by the American Educational
Studies Association as one of the most significant books in education for the year

Teachers as Intellectuals named by the American Educational Studies Association as one of the most significant books in education for the year 1988

Visiting Distinguished Professor Award for 1987-1988, Granted by Chancellor and Board of Trustees at University of Missouri at Kansas City

Distinguished Scholar Award 1984-1986, School of Education and Allied Professions, Miami University (Ohio)

Education Under Siege (with Stanley Aronowitz) named by the American Educational Studies Association as one of the most significant books in education for the year 1986

Renowned Scholar Award 1986-1988, School of Education and Allied Professions, Miami University (Ohio)

Junior Faculty Research Award, 1984-1985

School of Education and Allied Professions, Miami University

Theory and Resistance in Education named by the American Educational Studies
Association as one of the most significant books in education for the year 1984

Ideology, Culture and the Process of Schooling named by the American Educational Studies Association as one of the most significant books in education for 1982.

Online Articles ctd.

online articles ctd.

"It’s simple: Donald Trump loves to hate," | Hamilton Spectator | 10 December 2015 By Henry A. Giroux

"Fascism in Donald Trump's United States," | 08 December 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Trump’s Embrace of Totalitarianism is America’s Dirty Little Secret," | November 30, 2015 | by Henry Giroux, Counter Punch | Op-Ed

"The War on Terror Is a War on Youth: Paris and the Impoverishment of the Future," | 24 November 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux and Brad Evans, Truthout | Op-Ed

"Terrorizing Students: The Criminalization of Children in the US Police State," | 11 November 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"Beyond Dystopian Visions in the Age of Neoliberal Authoritarianism," | November 4, 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"Youth in Authoritarian Times: Challenging Neoliberalism's Politics of Disposability," | 21 October 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Murder, Incorporated: Guns and the Growing Culture of Violence in the US," | Wednesday, 07 October 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"The Curse of Totalitarianism and the Challenge of Critical Pedagogy," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Friday, 02 October 2015 | News Analysis

"The Curse of Totalitarianism and the Challenge of an Insurrectional Pedagogy," | Henry Giroux | Counter Punch | September 29, 2015

"Schools as Fearmongering Factories: The Case of Ahmed Mohamed," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | 17 September 2015 | Op-Ed 

"Political Frauds and the Ghost of Totalitarianism ," | by Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | September 15, 2015 | News Analysis

"Revisiting Hurricane Katrina: Racist Violence and the Politics of Disposability," | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | 08 September 2015 | Op-Ed

"Dark Waters: Hurricane Katrina, the Politics of Disposability and the Racism of Malcolm Gladwell," by Henry Giroux | Counter Punch | September 8, 2015

"The Plague of American Authoritarianism," by Henry Giroux | Philosophers For Change| September 1, 2015

"Self-Plagiarism and the Politics of Character Assassination: The Case of Zygmunt Bauman," by Brad Evans & Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | August 30, 2015 

"Schools as Punishing Factories: The Handcuffing of Public Education," | 06 August 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Taking notes 48: America’s new brutalism: the death of Sandra Bland," (extended version) | by Henry Giroux | July 28, 2015 | Philosophers of Change

"America’s New Brutalism: the Death of Sandra Bland," | by Henry Giroux | July 24, 2015 | Counter Punch

"Trumping America," | July 08, 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | 
News Analysis

"Greece Must Leave the Euro to Avoid Greater Misery From Austerity," by HENRY A. GIROUX | The New York Times | June 30, 2015

"Orwell, Huxley and the Scourge of the Surveillance State," by HENRY A. GIROUX | Truthout | June 30, 2015 

"Critical Pedagogy in and for the Age of the Digital Media: Pedagogy of the Precariat," 
by PETAR JANDRIC and HENRY A. GIROUX | Counter Punch, Weekend Edition,
June 12-14, 2015

"Beyond the Politics of Civility and Trauma: The End of Higher Education as We Know It," by HENRY A. GIROUX | June 08, 2015 | Counter Punch

"Flipping the Script: Rethinking Working-Class Resistance,"| 08 June 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Inside the Belly of the Beast," | by VINCE CHERNAK and HENRY A. GIROUX | June 01, 2015 | Counter Punch

"Educated Hope and the Promise of Democracy," | by: Henry A. Giroux | Tikkun Daily | May 26th, 2015

"The Fire This Time: Black Youth and the Spectacle of Postracial Violence,"
| 26 May 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Disposable Futures: Critique of Violence," | 06 May 2015 | By Brad Evans and Henry A. Giroux, City Lights Books | Book Excerpt

"Henry A. Giroux: Liberalism's Failures in a Time of Increasing Violence, Racism, Inequality and State Terrorism," | 03 May 2015 | By Eric Poulin, Truthout | 

"Democracy in Crisis, the Specter of Authoritarianism, and the Future of Higher Education," Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs, Volume 1, 2015

"Rethinking Michael Eric Dyson’s Attack on Cornel West,The Perils of Being a Public Intellectual," | April 27, 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Counter Punch

"Domestic Terrorism, Youth and the Politics of Disposability," | 21 April 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"The War on Terrorism Targets Democracy Itself," | 14 April 2015 | By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Higher Education and the Politics of Disruption," | 17 March 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Higher Education and the Promise of Insurgent Public Memory," | 03 March 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Hollywood Heroism in the Age of Empire: From "Citizenfour" and "Selma" to "American Sniper"," |18 February 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Terrorizing the Self: Selfie Culture at the Intersection of the Corporate and the Surveillance States," | February 6-8, 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Counter Punch

"Death-Dealing Politics in the Age of Extreme Violence," | 26 January 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"The Spectacle of Illiteracy and the Crisis of Democracy," | 24 January 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Moyers & Company | Excerpt

"Authoritarianism, Class Warfare and the Advance of Neoliberal Austerity Policies," | 05 January 2015 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Barbarians at the Gates: Authoritarianism and the Assault on Public Education," | 
30 December 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"America's Addiction to Torture" | December 17, 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout

"State Terrorism and Racist Violence in the Age of Disposability: From Emmett Till to Eric Garner," | 05 December 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"The Struggle Against Dystopia: Neoliberal Violence in the Age of Orwellian 
, | November 24, 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Counter Punch

"Academic Madness and the Politics of Exile," | 18 November 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"Capitalism Is a Tumor on the Body Politic: What's the Alternative? Beyond Mid-Election Babble" | 06 November 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed


"Higher Education and the New Brutalism," | 28 October 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"Beyond Orwellian Nightmares and Neoliberal Authoritarianism," | 15 October 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

"ISIS and the spectacle of terrorism: Resisting mainstream workstations of fear," | 7 October 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Philosophers for Change

"ISIS and the Spectacle of Terrorism: Resisting Mainstream Workstations of Fear,"| 30 September 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"The Responsibility of Intellectuals in the Shadow of the Atomic Plague" | 14 September 2014 | Henry A. Giroux | boundary 2

"Beyond the Spectacle of Neoliberal Misery and Violence in the Age of Terrorism," | 25 August 2014 | Henry A. Giroux, Counter Punch

"The Militarization of Racism and Neoliberal Violence,"| 18 August 2014 | 
Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

"Killing Machines and the Madness of Militarism: From Gaza to Afghanistan," | 
Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 24 July 2014

"Thinking Dangerously in an Age of Political Betrayal," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 14 July 2014

"Data Storms and the Tyranny of Manufactured Forgetting," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | 24 June 2014

"Protesting Youth in the Age of Neoliberal Cruelty," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | 
18 June 2014

"Disposable Futures," | Henry A Giroux and Brad Evans, Truthout | Op-Ed | 
01 June 2014

"The Specter of Authoritarianism and the Future of the Left: An Interview with Henry Giroux on Democracy in Crisis," by C.J. POLYCHRONIOU | Truthout | Interview | 08 June 2014

"Noam Chomsky and the Public Intellectual in Turbulent Times," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 12 May 2014

"Neoliberalism's War on Democracy," | Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Book Excerpt | 
26 April 2014

"Neoliberalism and the Machinery of Disposability," | Henry A Giroux, Truthout | 
Op-Ed | Tuesday, 08 April 2014

"Beyond Neoliberal Miseducation," | Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 19 March 2014

"Neoliberalism, Youth and Social Justice," | Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Interview | 12 March 2014

"The Specter of Authoritarianism and the Politics of the “Deep State”"| Ragazine.CC The On-Line Magazine of Art, Information & Entertainment – Volume 10, Number 2 | March-April 2014

"Totalitarian Paranoia in the Post-Orwellian Surveillance State,"
| Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 10 February 2014

"Reclaiming the Radical Imagination: Challenging Casino Capitalism's Punishing Factories," | Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 13 January 2014

"Radical Democracy Against Cultures of Violence," | Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 17 December 2013 

"The Spectacle of Illiteracy and the Crisis of Democracy," | Henry A. Giroux | 
By Henry A Giroux, Moyers & Company | Op-Ed Monday, | 09 December 2013

"Cultures of Violence in the Age of Casino Capitalism", | Henry A. Giroux | 
Truth Dig| Op-Ed | 09 December 2013

"The Spectacle of Illiteracy and the Crisis of Democracy" | Henry A. Giroux | 
Henry A Giroux, Moyers & Company | Op-Ed | 09 December 2013

"Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed |
02 December 2013

List of Giroux articles from Philosophers for Change

"Public Intellectuals Against the Neoliberal University," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | 29 October 2013

"The Ghost of Authoritarianism in the Age of the Shutdown," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | October 15, 2013

"Savage Politics and Dystopian Nightmares," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | September 25, 2013

"Intellectuals as Subjects and Objects of Violence," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | September 10, 2013

"Hope in a Time of Permanent War," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | September 5, 2013

"America's Descent Into Madness," | Henry A. Giroux | Counterpunch | August 12, 2013

"When Schools Become Dead Zones of the Imagination: A Critical Pedagogy Manifesto," |Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | August 13, 2013

"The Violence of Organized Forgetting," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | July 22, 2013

"Challenging Casino Capitalism and Authoritatian Politics in the Age of Disposability," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthdig | Excerpt from Henry's new book, American's Education Deficit and the War on Youth (2013, Monthly Review Press) | June 27, 2013

"The Educational Deficit and the War on Youth: An Interview with Henry A. Giroux," | Leslie Thatcher | Truthout | Interview | June 18, 2013

"In the Dead Zone of Capitalism: Lessons on the Violence of Inequality: Lessons on the Violence of Inequality from Chicago,"| Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | June 4, 2013

"Did the Authorities' Lockdown of Boston Give Us a Taste of the Police State Culture to Come?" | Henry A. Giroux | AlterNet | May 7, 2013

"Lil Wayne's Lyrical Facism" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthdig | Op-ed | April 13, 2013

"Angela Davis, Freedom, and the Politics of Higher Education" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | April 9, 2013

"Mad Stories and the Politics of Disposability in Paul Ryan's World" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | March 15, 2013

"The Politics of Disimagination and the Pathologies of Power" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | February 27, 2013

"The Shooting Gallery: Obama and the Vanishing Point of Democracy" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | February 12, 2013

"Henry Giroux: The Necessity of Critical Pedagogy in Dark Times" | By José María Barroso Tristán | Truthout | Interview | February 6, 2013

"The New Extremism and Politics of Distraction in the Age of Austerity," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-ed | January 22, 2012

"The War Against Teachers as Public Intellectuals in Dark Times," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | December 17, 2012

"Losing Time or Doing Time: Drowning Public Education in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy,"| Henry A. Giroux and Jacqueline Edmondson | Truthout |Op-Ed | December 7, 2012

"Hurricane Sandy in the Age of Disposability and Neoliberal Terror," | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | December 3, 2012

"War on Youth & A Conversation with Henry A. Giroux," | Truthout | November 30, 2012

"Beyond the Dead End of American Electoral Politics: Rethinking the Crisis of Politics," |Henry A. Giroux | Truthout |Op-Ed | October 31, 2012

"Can Democratic Education Survive in a Neoliberal Society?" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | October 16, 2012

"The Disappearance of Public Intellectuals," | Henry A. Giroux | CounterPunch | October 8, 2012

"The End of American Democracy?" | Henry A. Giroux | Philosophers for Change | October 4, 2012

"Why Don't Americans Care About Democracy at Home?" | Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | October 2, 2012

"The Quebec Strike and the Politics of a New Social Awakening," | Henry A. Giroux | Logos | September 2012

"On the Significance of the Chicago Teachers Strike: Challenging Democracy's Demise,"| Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | September 13, 2012

"Days of Rage: The Quebec Student Protest Movement and the New Social Awakening,"| Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | August 28, 2012

"Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism," | Henry A. Giroux | CounterPunch | August 27, 2012

"Punishing Youth: Saturated Violence in the Era of Casino Capitalism," | Henry A. Giroux | CounterPunch | August 9, 2012

"Gun violence in America: What Canadians can learn from the U.S.: Gun control is only one factor in a culture," | Henry A. Giroux | The Hamilton Spectator | July 30, 2012

"Colorado Shooting Is About More Than Gun Culture," | By Henry A Giroux | Truthout | News Analysis | July 23, 2012

"From Penn State to JPMorgan Chase and Barclays: Destroying Higher Education, Savaging Children and Extinguishing Democracy," | By Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | July 13, 2012

"Beyond the Politics of the Big Lie: The Education Deficit and the New Authoritarianism,"| By Henry A. Giroux, | Truthout | Op-Ed | June 19, 2012

"Henry A. Giroux: The Occupy Movement and the Politics of Educated Hope," | By Henry A. Giroux, | Truthout | Op-Ed | May 18, 2012

"Violence, USA: The Warfare State and the Brutalizing of Everyday Life," | By Henry A Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | May 2, 2012

"Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism - Part I" | by: Henry A Giroux | TruthDig | April 30, 2012

"The "Suicidal State" and the War on Youth," | by: Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed April 10 2012

"Hoodie Politics: Trayvon Martin and Racist Violence in Post-Racial America," | by: Henry A Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | April 2, 2012

"Gated Intellectuals and Ignorance in Political Life: Toward a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy Movement," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | 
March 20, 2012

"Youth in Revolt: The Plague of State-Sponsored Violence," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | March 14, 2012

"The Scorched-Earth Politics of America's Four Fundamentalisms," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | March 6, 2012

"Dangerous Pedagogy in the Age of Casino Capitalism and Religious Fundamentalism,"
by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | February 29, 2012

"The Religionization of Politics and the Tyranny of Totalitarianism: Santorum and God’s Will," by: Henry A. Giroux, | Counter Punch | February 29, 2012

"Why Teaching People to Think for Themselves Is Repugnant to Religious Zealots and Rick Santorum," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | February 22, 2012

"Book Burning in Arizona," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | 
February 8, 2012

"Remembering Etta James," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed and Video | 
January 21, 2012

"Universities Gone Wild: Big Money, Big Sports and Scandalous Abuse at Penn State," | 
by: Henry A. Giroux & Susan Searls Giroux | Truthout | Op-Ed | January 5, 2011

"Rejecting Academic Labor as a Subaltern Class: Learning from Paulo Freire and the Politics of Critical Pedagogy," | by: Henry A. Giroux | Fast Capitalism | 8.2, 2011

"Why Faculty Should Join Occupy Movement Protesters on College Campuses," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | December 19, 2011

"Higher education under siege: challenging casino capitalism’s culture of cruelty," | openDemocracy | by: Henry A. Giroux | November 27, 2011

"Occupy Colleges Now: Students as the New Public Intellectuals," | by: Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | News Analysis | November 21, 2011

"Beyond the Limits of Neoliberal Higher Education: Global Youth Resistance and the American/British Divide," | Posted by Campaign for the Public University 
November 7, 2011

"The Politics of Ignorance: Casino Capitalism and Higher Education," | by: Henry A. Giroux | CounterPunch | October 31, 2011

The Public Intellectual: Henry A. Giroux - (October 26, 2011)

"Occupy Wall Street's Battle Against American-Style Authoritarianism," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | October 26, 2011

"Henry Giroux on Democracy Unsettled: From Critical Pedagogy to the War on Youth,"| by: Michael A. Peters, Truthout | Interview 

"Got Class Warfare? Occupy Wall Street Now!" | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | October 6, 2011

"Corporate Media and Larry Summers Team Up to Gut Public Education: Beyond Education for Illiteracy, Vulgarity and a Culture of Cruelty," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | September 27, 2011

"Counter-Memory and the Politics of Loss After 9/11," | by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | September 12, 2011

"Disney, Militarization and the National Security State After 9/11," by: Henry A. Giroux and Grace Pollock, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. | Book Excerpt | August 23, 2011

"Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | August 3, 2011

"From Benetton to Murdoch: The Culture of Money, Shock and Schlock," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | July 27, 2011

"Trickle-Down Cruelty and the Politics of Austerity," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed | July 11, 2011

"The Politics of Militarization and Corporatization in Higher Education: War Colleges," by: Henry A. Giroux, CounterPunch | June 29, 2011

"Reveling in the Pain of Others: Moral Degeneracy and Violence in the "Kill Team" Photos," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis | June 20 2011

"Neoliberal Politics as Failed Sociality: Youth and the Crisis of Higher Education,"
by Henry A. Giroux, Logos: a journal of modern society & culture, 2011: Vol.10, Issue 2

"Higher Education Under Attack: An Interview With Henry A. Giroux," by: C. Cryn Johannsen, Margins of Everyday Life (Friday, 22 April, 2011)

"Zombie Politics: Dangerous Authoritarianism or Shrinking Democracy - Part II," 
by: Henry A. Giroux, Peter Lang Publishing Group | Book Excerpt (Thursday 2, 
June 2011)

"Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism - Part I," 
by: Henry A. Giroux, Peter Lang Publishing Group | Book Excerpt, (Wednesday 1, June 2011)

"American Democracy Beyond Casino Capitalism and the Torture State," | by: Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | (Monday, 16 May 2011)

"Youth in a Suspect Society: Coming of Age in an Era of Disposability," | by: Henry A. Giroux | Truthout | (Thursday 5, May 2011)

"At the Limits of Neo-Liberal Politics: Disappearing Youth," By HENRY A. GIROUX | CounterPunch | (April 25, 2011)

"Who will save higher education?" by Henry Giroux | The Hamilton Spectator | 
(April 13th, 2011)

"Militarized Conservatism and the End(s) of Higher Education," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout, (Tuesday, 5 April 2011)

"From "Morning in America" to the Nightmare on Main Street," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 08 March 2011) Includes Radio Interview

"Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Monday, 28 February 2011)

"Torturing Democracy," by: Henry A. Giroux, Paradigm Press | Book Excerpt, 
(Tuesday, 08 February, 2011)

"Remembering Howard Zinn, Once Again," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed (Thursday, 27 January, 2011)

"America's Culture of Cruelty," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, 
(Monday, 24 January, 2011)

"America’s ‘culture of cruelty’ The violence in Arizona has much deeper, more pervasive roots than mental illness or even lack of civility," by: Henry A. Giroux, The Hamilton Spectator, (Thu. Jan. 20 2011)

"Beyond the Swindle of the Corporate University: Higher Education in the Service of Democracy," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 18 January, 

"Formative Culture in the Age of Imposed Forgetting," by Henry A. Giroux, Tikkun Magazine, (Winter 2011)

"Selling Out New York City's Public Schools: Mayor Bloomberg, David Steiner and the Politics of Corporate 'Leadership'," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 07 December, 2010)

"Apolitical Alienation in 'The Passenger'," [This is a slightly edited version of an essay written by Henry Giroux that was originally published in the journal Cineaste, Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall 1975, pp. 37-39.] TV Multiversity: Documentary Film, Educational Television, World Cinema, (30 November, 2010)

"Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 23 November 2010)

"Living in the Age of Imposed Amnesia: The Eclipse of Democratic Formative Culture,"by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (16 November, 2010)

"Business Culture and the Death of Public Education: The Triumph of Management Over Leadership", by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Friday, 12 November 2010)

"Farewell Mon Amour: Prospects on Democracy's Electoral Defeat," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 26 October 2010)

"Lessons From Paulo Freire," by: Henry A. Giroux, The Chronicle of Higher Education, (October 17, 2010)

"When Generosity Hurts: Bill Gates, Public School Teachers and the Politics of Humiliation," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 05 October, 2010)

"Memories of Hope in the Age of Disposability," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 28 September, 2010)

"Racialized Memories and Class Identities - Thinking About Glenn Beck's and Rush Limbaugh's America," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 07 September, 2010)

"States of Paralysis: America's Surrender to the Spectacle of Terror," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 17 August, 2010)

"How Disney Magic and the Corporate Media Shape Youth Identity in the Digital Age,"
by: Henry Giroux and Grace Pollock, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Wednesday, 04 August, 2010)

"The Disappearing Intellectual in the Age of Economic Darwinism," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Monday, 12 July, 2010)

"Chartering Disaster: Why Duncan's Corporate-Based Schools Can't Deliver an Education That Matters," by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Feature, 
(Monday, 21 June, 2010)

"Teachers Without Jobs and Education Without Hope: Beyond Bailouts and the Fetish of the Measurement Trap" (Part 2), by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Feature, (Tuesday, 08 June, 2010)

"Dumbing Down Teachers: Attacking Colleges of Education in the Name of Reform" (Part I) by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 25 May, 2010)

"In Defense of Public School Teachers in a Time of Crisis," by: Henry A. Giroux, 
t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed, (Wednesday, 14 April, 2010)

"A Society Consumed by Locusts: Youth in the Age of Moral and Political Plagues," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed, (Monday, 05 April, 2010)

"On Pop Clarity: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Language," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed, (Wednesday, 24 March, 2010)

"Howard Zinn: A Public Intellectual Who Mattered," by: Henry A. Giroux, 
Truthout | Op-Ed (Thursday, 28 January, 2010)

How Howard Zinn Wanted to Be Remembered [VIDEO] by Jorge Rivas

"Tiger Woods and the Branding of Public Discourse," by: Henry A. Giroux, 
Truthout | Op-Ed, (Tuesday, 15 December, 2009)

"American Youth in the 21st Century: Pathologized, Criminalized and Disposable," by Henry A. Giroux, AlterNet. (November 16, 2009)

"Benetton's “World without Borders”: Buying Social Change," by: Henry A. Giroux

"Politics and the Subversive Imagination: Youth and the Politics of Prison Culture," by: Henry Giroux, introduction by Tolu Olorunda (22 October, 2009)

"Schools and the Pedagogy of Punishment," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Feature, (Tuesday, 20 October, 2009)

"Is Higher Education in Need of a Moral Bailout? The Corporate Stranglehold on Education," by: Henry A. Giroux,, (September 8, 2009)

"Uncivil Discourse," by: Bill Moyers | Bill Moyers Journal, ( Friday, 04 September, 2009)

"Living in a Culture of Cruelty: Democracy as Spectacle," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Wednesday, 02 September, 2009)

"Obama and the Fierce Urgency of Now: Politics After Hope," by: Henry A. Giroux,, (August 14-16, 2009)

"Obama's View of Education Is Stuck in Reverse," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Friday, 24 July, 2009)

"The Iranian Uprisings and the Challenge of the New Media: Rethinking the Politics of Representation," by: Henry A. Giroux, Fast Capitalism, 5.2, 2009

"Children of the Recession: Remembering "Manchild in the Promised Land"," 
Truthout | Perspective, (Monday, 08 June, 2009)

"Judge Sonia Sotomayor and the New Racism: Getting Beyond the Politics of Denial,"
Truthout | Perspective, (Thursda, 04 June, 2009)

"Child Beauty Pageants: A Scene From the "Other America"," by: Henry A. Giroux, 
Truthout | Perspective, (Monday, 11 May, 2009) 

"Youth and the Myth of Post-Racial Society Under Barack Obama," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Monday, April 27, 2009)

"The Tragedy of Youth Deepens: Ten Years After Columbine," by: Henry A. Giroux,, (April 20, 2009)

"Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Wednesday 15 April 2009) 

"Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Friday 03 April 2009) 

"Hard Lessons: Neoliberalism, Education and the Politics of Disposability," by: Henry A. Giroux,, (March 30, 2009) 

"Academic Labor Under Siege: Towards a Politically Engaged Professionalism," by: Henry A. Giroux, The CUNY GC Advocate, (March 2009) in response to Stanley Fish's "Neoliberalism and Higher Education," New York Times, (March 8, 2009)

"Locked Out and Locked Up: Youth Missing in Action From Obama's Stimulus Plan,"by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, ( Tuesday 17 February 2009)

"A Task to Make Democracy Matter: Educating Obama," by: Henry A. Giroux,, (February 6-8, 2009) 

"Beyond Bailouts: On the Politics of Education After Neoliberalism," 
by: Henry A. Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Wednesday 31 December 2008) 

"Obama's Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling," by: Henry A. Giroux and Kenneth Saltman, Truthout | Perspective, (Wednesday 17 December 2008)

"War Talk, the Death of the Social, and Disappearing Children: A Lesson for Obama,"by: Henry Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Tuesday 16 December 2008)

"Higher Education Without Democracy?" by: Henry Giroux and Chronis Polychroniou, Tikkun, (November - December 2008)

"Disposable Youth in a Suspect Society: A Challenge for the Obama Administration,"by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Thursday 25 November 2008)

"Against the Militarized Academy," by: Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, 
(Thursday 20 November 2008)

"Obama and the Promise of Education," by: Henry Giroux, Truthout | Perspective, (Sunday 16 November 2008) 

"Democracy in dark times: Harper's attack on culture an assault on critical thought and engagement," by Henry Giroux, The Hamilton Spectator, (October 2, 2008), p. A17

"Slouching Towards Bethlehem: The New Gilded Age and Neoliberalism’s Theater of Cruelty," by Henry Giroux, Dissident Voice, ( March 11th, 2008)

"Arming the Academy: Universities in the Shadow of the National Security State," Academic Matters (October 2007), pp. 9-12.

"Academic Repression in the First Person: The Attack on Higher Education and the Necessity of Critical Pedagogy," - The Advocate, ( February 2007)

"Higher Education Under Siege: Implications for Public Intellectuals," - Thought & Action, ( Fall 2006) pp. 63- 78 

"Dirty Democracy and State Terrorism: The Politics of the New Authoritarinism in the United States," Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2006.

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